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Michelle POV

"M-May?" Jimin widen his eyes and May curve a smile on her face

"You know each other" Y/N raise her eyebrows


"Jimin is my ex boyfriend" May cut Jimin's words

Okay you know I'm so scared that Jimin might have a feeling towards May again

"But don't worry we are just friend now... I guess" Jimin laugh

"So you and Jimin are married?" May ask me

"Kind of" I scratch my arms and look down

"What's wrong Michelle?" Raluca ask

"Nothing, I just feeling not well. I think I wanna go back to hotel and rest" I say walk away but Jimin grab my wrist

"Are you not feeling well? Why you didn't say to me, come on let's go to clinic" Jimin pull me but I pull back my hand

"It's okay I think I just need Ralu and Y/N to accompany me and you can go with May if you want" I fake smile

"Really? Is it okay?" May ask, happiness in her tone

"Yeah" I say and walk away with Y/N and Ralu and I can see Y/N shot a glare towards May

"Are you okay?" Raluca ask soon as we arrive at hotel

"Maybe" I give them warm smile

"Haish why you tell Jimin to accompany that bitch? You are his wife and why does he being like that if he know that his wife is sick" Y/N say with angry tone

"Michelle you need to be stronger, I don't want you to be like me. Jimin is your first love so you need to go for it" Raluca convince me

"I don't know" I say but then I hear the door opened and it's Jimin

"Michelle, are you okay hm?" Jimin ask, I can see her concerns eyes

"Yeah" I say then he hugs me

"I'm sorry I'm not supposed to leave you like that" he sigh

"It's okay I understand"

"Jimin-ah if you once again make she sad, I will make sure to kill you by my own hand" Y/N say and Ralu just give him shot glare then walk out from the room

Jimin give me a confused look

"Just forget what they said" I chuckle

I really hope that you don't, cause if you forget, not only Y/N, I will also kill you



I back to my room and see Namjoon watching television... SHIRTLESS

"TF?" I yell

"Can't you knock before you go in?" he shock and try to cover his bare body and I just can't help but to laugh

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