Just the beggining😉.!

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Same Day😌.!

Kiki POV

So we was in Orland Mall doing dumb shit stupid shit😂.!

So we was doing dares

"Ight hold on"I Said

"Ight shorty"he said

So I walked over to this gay boy

"Aye my friend said you cute he want you to come talk to him"I said

"Ouu he is fine"the gay boy said

So we walked over there

"Hey lil daddy"the gay boy said

"Wtf Ian with allat gay shit"ManMan said looking mad asf
And walked off I was weak asf I couldn't stop laughing

"Ion know what's wrong with him but here lemme give you his number"I said holding my hand out he gave me his phone and I put ManMan number in there

"Call him at 8:30pm"I Said

"Okay girl thanks"the gay boy said

So I caught up with him

"You really mad"I asked couldn't breathe from laughing

"Foe why tf you do that"he said looking mad

"It's-it-it's not my fault you gay"I said laughing hard asl

"Stop playing wimmie"he said as he stopped walking and have me a deadly stare

I just bust out laughing loud asl people was just looking at me

"The hell y'all looking at"I said still laughing

"C'mon child"he said

" I quit fr"I said

"Ight"he said

"I dare you to go kick that police officer"I said

"Which one?the bald head one?"he asked

"Yeah imma record"I said

"You gotta run fast ight"he said

"K"I agreed me

He ran over there and the police officer legs go back and he kicked them mfers in I was laughing hard

Laughing like that I couldn't even run it was so fucking funny like I could barley stand then I saw ManMan running my way so we hurried up and ran
outside to his car and we almost got caught but he pulled off before we did

"Wa-wai-wait why you do him like that"I said still laughing

So we both was just laughing cuz the shit was funny

5 minutes Later

"You hungry shorty"he asked

"Umm...yeah"I said

"What chu want McDonald's"he asked tryna be funny

"Ain't nun wrong with McDonald's but no I want some chicken and rice"I said

"Ight shorty"he said

Next Day.!

Ciara POV

I think Bone still mad I was scared to touch him so I turned down his music he was taking me to go get some to eat

"You still mad at me"I asked he nodded

"Yes you are cuz why you can't use yo mouth"I said

"Fuck you want me to say"he said with a attitude

Since shortys🤞🏽Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant