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It was a lazy day in Taehyung's house the sunday after the gender reveal party. The three of them were in Taehyung's room on the bed. There was a TV opposite the bed. He had a child on each side and the twins held hands on Taehyung's chest. They were currently watching boss baby.

Taehyung was not there with them though. His mind was very far away. He was thinking about Jungkook and their encounter the previous day.

He didn't know what to feel or if he should be feeling anything for the older. Tried of thinking, Taehyung carefully untangled himself from the kids.

"Papa where going to?" Micah asked.
"I'm going to the greenhouse. Do you want to come with me?" "Yes"

"Wear your slippers loves". The kids nodded and excitedly followed Taehyung down the stairs.

In his greenhouse he grew vegetables and fruits and lots of flowers. It was something he used to pass time and satisfy his desire to farm.

He walked in and checked the water system so it give enough water to the plants. He also harvested some ripe cucumbers and tomatoes. After spending an hour playing around and planting more flowers the three went back inside the house.

"Honeys come here it's time for lunch" he called out to the kids who ran to the living room.

Having to raise two children alone for three years he realized that already made food was the way to go.

Once in a week Taehyung makes varieties of food and then store them in containers in the fridge. He took out the fruit salad and severed for the three of them. He then made sandwiches in case the salad was not enough. 

"Papa everybody at day care has two daddies or mommies or both. But we only have one why?" Taehyung stared at his son unsure of what to tell him.

"Um bumpkin, there are sometimes that people have only one mommy or daddy because of something happens to the other mommy or daddy." Taehyung tried to explain.

"Something happened to our other mommy or daddy papa?" Mick asked looking at him with eyes that looked just like Jungkook's.

"Yes something very good happened to him and so now he's very happy"
"So they never happy with us before?" Micah asked with teary sad eyes.

Taehyung looked panicked as he tried to think of what to say to redempt the situation.

"No no no honey. I'm sure your Dad would have been so happy and would have loved you a lot if I told him about you." "Why you not tell Daddy about me and Micky" Micah asked confused.

"Um let's talk about this later okay. Papa isn't feeling so good now so later" the twins went back to eating their food.

He knew they'd ask about this someday but he never anticipated it too come so soon. He had excepted them to be curious when they reached their teenage years.

He stood up with his plates in his hands before walking to the kitchen. He leaned down on the counter and just closed his eyes. He was tried of thinking and just came with the conculsion that If Jungkook does not know about the twins, he will not be able to make Jungkook unhappy by making him worry about accepting two four year olds in his life.

Yeah that what he was going to do. He decided to keep it a secret from the father for as long as he could.

The vibration of his phone on the counter brought him out of his thoughts. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Namjoon. He was a bit because Namjoon never called except it was serious or urgent.

"Hello?" Taehyung said into the phone standing upright.

"Hey Taee" it was Jin. "Why are you calling with Joon hyung's phone?" Taehyung walked into the dinning room to collect the plates they used for lunch.

"My phone is dead forget to charge it. So we are in a plane about to take off right now and one of Namjoon's friends called. A pipe in his house busted while he was out and he came back to a flooded house. He has no where to stay now." Jin sounded like he was trying to hold back his laugh.

"Why didn't you tell me you were traveling. And what exactly do you want me to do with what you just told me?" Taehyung started the dishwasher and walked into the living room to see how the kids were.

"First do you have a spare room?" "Yes..." Taehyung answered eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"While I need you to be a host for him until his house is fixed or until we are back. Whichever happens first. I would have let him stay at how place but we have the keys here and I removed the one under the fake mushroom and forgot to put it back. I'm so sorry for this inconvenience but the guy is a very good friend of my husband. He's like a younger brother to Joonie. Please! Please! Please!"

"Fine. Send him the address to my house." He was too good for his own good sometimes.

"Really? Thank you! I have to go now this air hostesses is bugging me. See you in a week or so. Take care of the company well and tell my sweethearts I said hi. I love you Tae."

"Okay. Tell princess and Namjoon I said hi too. I love you too hyung take care of yourself and of-" "Bye. Gosh you sound so much like my mom and doctor." Jin said cutting Taehyung off.

"Bye" was all Taehyung said before cutting the call. He then went to the guest room on the first floor to clean it up for the visitor.


Taehyung had already put the twins to bed and was in his sleeping clothes went he heard the doorbell. He groaned because he had to stop watching Fuller house to get the door.

"Coming" he called out walking to the from door. He opened the door with his boxy smile.

"Hey, Jin told me you'd be..." He trailed off when he saw the face of the visitor.

A/N: Hey!!!!! Can you please tell me what you think about the story so far?

And sorry for the mistakes in this chapter and for the late update.

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