Chapter 15

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"You straight ?" Melani asked Nae while looking at her as she sat on the bed.

"No, Melani whats wrong with me ?" Nae asked confused. Melani noticed her friend needed comfort so she sat beside her on the bed and wrapped her arms around her.

"Nothing is wrong with you Nae" Melani told her. But Nae only shook her head.

"Something has to be wrong with me, im always getting cheated on. At first I didn't think it was my fault but it actually is. If all my relationships feel the same then im the problem." She cried harder.

"Naveah i promise you it wasn't you, niggas just dumb."

"Im so tired of looking like i got my shit together because I don't. I miss him so much, i miss my best friend, he was literally all i had left. But when he cheated he made me feel worthless. Like im not good enough." Nae cried out.

But little did they know Quincy was on the other side of the door listening. He felt so bad, because the way Nae felt. He never wanted her to feel that way because she shouldn't feel that way. He never meant to make her cry or feel so horribly about herself.

He was just being dumb and was just thinking with his dick. Actually he wasn't thinking at all. It broke his heart to see what he did.

"Melani I'll never be good enough for anyway, tuh im surprised I didn't get cheated on with my family member again" Nae laughed. She was a emotional wreck.

"Then he moved on so fast, me and the Melissa bitch are so different maybe i was never his type, maybe his was just leading me on. Why im i like this why can't i just get over him already its already been a fucking month." Nae said frustratedly while Melani just sat back and listened.

"I need my mom, i need my mom's advice. You think i should call her ?" Nae started then she paused. "I forgot i can't she's dead" Nae cried out harder.

"Why do i feel like this ?" Nae asked Melani.

"The answer is simple Nae, love, you probably won't believe it but you love Quincy." Melani answered.

"Love thats one big ass joke okay will i ever fall out of love for him ?" Nae asked lani.

"Well not really once you love someone it never goes away. You just have to find someone who you love more than that person but once you love someone you'll always love them." Lani told her truthfully.

Before Nae could say something Quincy decided to step in the room. Nae quickly tried to wipe her eyes but it was no use he had already heard everything.

"Lani can you give us a minute" Quincy asked Melani she nodded her head and left the room.

"You heard everything didn't you ?" Nae asked Quincy. He just nodded his head and took a seat next to her.

"Nae you know you wrong right ? You shouldn't feel that way about yourself. Your not worthless, and you are good enough. Your actually way outta my league im surprised you even actually talked to a nigga" Quincy chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"I cheated on you ? Yeah i did, but you didn't do anything wrong, i just was thinking with my dick instead of my mind. You mean a lot to me Naveah more than you think but the way you feel about your self ion like that shit. Its worse on my end because im the nigga they got you feeling like that." Quincy said as he turned to face Naveah and he picked her head up.

"and i actually think your the first girl who actually is my type. You got the whole package good personality, raw ass body, nice pretty eyes good natural hair and some bomb ass pussy, yo shit really fire ma" Quincy said causing Nae to let out a chuckle. Quincy couldn't help but smile because he caused her to chuckle.

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