Chapter 23

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Jimins POV

"Jimin, we should talk" Yoongi said while avoiding my gaze.

Ever since his parents came to visit and basically disowned him he's been bitter. Snaps at me every chance he gets, avoids me, wallows in self pity...I understand that he's going through something traumatic and life changing but all I've been trying to do is help. All I've been trying to do is make sure he's transitioning well into his new lifestyle. But I feel it's almost as if he's disgusted by me.

"What about?" I reply quietly

"Look, I think we can both see that this isn't working out anymore" he spit out

"That's not true, I've been by your side this whole time! You've been pushing me away and hurting me but I'm still here" I sit on the chair next to his bed placing my crutches against the wall. I try grabbing his hands but he yanks them away.

"Well have you ever thought that maybe I don't want you here? With your looks of pity?" He bitterly says

"You don't mean that" I half whispered

"Well I do, I'm tired of you looking at me like I'm a loss I'm fucking broken"

"Why are you doing this to me?" Tears forming in my eyes

"Just leave, go find someone who can fucking walk and leave" he looks away as he says this

"I'm not leaving you...I love y-"

"Leave me the fuck alone! I don't want you here, I don't love you...I never did." he grits out

"I-I..." I stutter trying to form a coherent sentence

"LEAVE!" He yells in anger

I couldn't take this anymore. I grab my crutches and leave as fast as I could with a broken leg, tears streaming down my face. I couldn't  even see were I was going. If that's how he really feels about me then all I could do was leave.

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