5. Tea Time Surprise

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I don't understand anymore...WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED?!

Ever since I visited my father's office three years ago, my father began to act a little...strange. Yep, that's right. THREE YEARS AGO! This means that I am now three years old and, in a few months, I'll be four years old. Gadia, the god of this world, promised to give me the "power of the mind" when I become four, so I'm a little excited.

But anyway, why! Why is my father being strange? Ever since I went to his office that day, he has been visiting me constantly. In the game, Cordelia was completely ignored by both of her parents, Alastair and Amelia! Now, Alastair requests my presence for dinner every night, for tea every afternoon, and for various father-daughter bonding activities throughout the week! WHY!

I can't say the same about my mother, though. Ever since Dad and I became close to one another, mom became meaner than usual. In the game, Amelia also ignored Cordelia's existence, because I was not a boy. 

If I was a boy, she could manipulate me in the future as the Duke's heir. But, I am a girl, soooo...sucks to be you, Mom! However, she is currently always watching me, ordering the maids to stop giving me breakfast, and taking away the gifts father gives me. I guess she is just jealous that Dad loves me and not her. 

I'm only a toddler though, so I have to pretend I don't understand why my mom hates me. I'll just enjoy my father's affection! In my past life, my parents didn't really love me. So, this is a nice change! I can finally know what parental love is, and truthfully, it feels great!

Amelia is just like how my parents were in my past life though. My old family didn't have any maids or butlers to order around, but they never treated me nicely. They would never give me a single bite of food, and if they did, it would be moldy stale bread or rotten fruit. I guess Amelia is a little better since she doesn't hit me when she's frustrated...

ANYWAY! I am currently walking over to our garden where Dad and I have our tea time. It takes a while to get there since our backyard since it is HUGE and I only have the muscles of a three-year-old. Luckily, I am being accompanied by my maid, Sophie, who was with me since I was born. So if I fall over, she can catch me and carry me a little.

When I made it to the garden, I saw my father...AND A LOT OF CAKE AND COOKIES! I ran over to the sweets and began to grab the cookies and eat them. I heard a chuckle from my dad and looked up. He had a serene smile. Wow. If I was thirty years older, I might have gotten a nosebleed just like Sophie did just now. 

"You really like food, huh?" said my dad with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yep! Food is the best! Especially sweets! But I also like savory food too... I guess I like all the food in the world! Food is good. Food is righteousness. When I eat good food, the flavor makes me happy! So, I really really really really really really like food! Food is my favorite thing in the whole world! Without food, I would be really sad!" I said. Whoops. I guess I said too much. When it comes to food...I'll kill people to have some...

"Hahaha! You really are too cute, princess!" my dad said while grabbing me. He is squeezing me too much! Stop it!!!

"Can't br-breath! N-nee-d a-ir!!!" I breathed out. Every once and a while, my father likes to squeeze and hug me. It's nice but...calm down a little...

"Oh! I'm sorry, princess! I just thought you were so cute when you were talking about food and I just..." mumbled Alastair. I swear he acts like a kid sometimes. I can't imagine him as the Duke of Silverbell. But when he is in work mode, he's like a machine! It's even more ridiculous when he's around Amelia! He becomes so heartless around my mother! Is he...bipolar?

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