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Dumb fucks

The user Yoongi added the users Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Seokjin, Nayeon and Jeongyeon

Yoongi: listen here dumb fucks

Seokjin: yes sweety

Taehyung: I heard my name

Nayeon: 😍😍😍

Jimin: omg this reminds of the other gc you made

Hoseok: what gc?

Jimin: 🗿🗿

Jimin: idk a gc sorry 🗿

Hoseok: ???

Taehyung: stfu my cousin is about to snap😍

Yoongi: when someone tells you he doesn't want to talk about it you stop and you do NOT talk about it

Taehyung: but it ain't that deep😕

Jeongyeon: we just wanted to tell him that he should not be afraid with us

Jungkook: YEA🤠

Yoongi: he was really uncomfortable anyone could tell

Jimin: you said yourself that he is not straight

Hoseok: yup we didn't assume anything

Yoongi: yes I told you to stop asking me or him

Yoongi: clearly it didn't work

Nayeon: maybe an explanation would be nice?

Taehyung: yeah cousin you were always really close with him you knew each other since kindergarten

Nayeon: 😌🍵

Yoongi: the only reason I'm telling you this is because he told me to

Seokjin: joonie is with you?

Yoongi: yes

Seokjin: okay thank god

Nayeon: storytime😀🍵

Yoongi: joon and i have been friends since forever basically

Taehyung: uwu

Jimin: wbk

Yoongi: we were really close we did everything together

Taehyung: UWU

Jungkook: wait am I gonna cry by the end of the story?

Nayeon: probably

Jungkook: oh no I dont wanna ruin my makeup 😔🤠😔

Nayeon: same jcock

Hoseok: shHHh

Yoongi: and one day he asked me if I loved him and I said that of course I did we were best friends

Yoongi: then he told me he watched a movie and in the movie a girl kissed a boy cos she loved him

Yoongi: and he told me we should do it too and I agreed

Seokjin: how old were you?

Yoongi: 13 I think

Taehyung: UWU

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