Chapter Eight

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It was one of those days, the ones where everything frustrated Blake, where he questioned his existence. Blake had been chopping Wood and kept fucking up.

It's funny because the entire reason he came here was for Jason to kill him, yet instead he let him fucked his brains out and he's ass is still sore 3 days later.

Speaking of Jason, he disappeared again. Blake hasn't had the energy to look for him, but he knew he was alive. That fucker could be hit with a tank shell and still stand up again.

Blake could feel himself inch closer and closer to the edge. 'Tik, Tok' rung through his ears as he squeezed his eyes shut. "Don't cry Blake don't cry, you are a big boy" he said to himself.

He glanced up at the clock on the wall. The big hand was on 2 and the small hand was on 4. The sound continued to echo through the room. Blake stood up and marched towards the clock. He ripped it from the wall and grabbed the nearby baseball bat. He then proceeded to smash the stupid antique into smithereens.

"fuck you" He yelled out smashing it, letting all his anger out. He was about to take one last swing when suddenly the bat disappeared out of his hands.

"Jason" Blake whined trying to reach up to the bat, he held it tall in the air and Blake wanted to scream. He shook his head no. Blake huffed and sat down on the living room chair, trying to regain his breath.

He was angry, he was frustrated and fuck was he sad. Blake had no reason to be, he was finally free. Jason sat down beside him, making the couch move. He held his unusually big hand out. Blake looked to him with a unamused look. Jason nodded towards his hand and with a huff Blake laced his fingers in jason's

They stayed like that for a long time, hand in hand. Blake felt himself calm down a small bit, listening to jason's heavy breathing.

"this is weird" Blake suddenly stood up. Jason was bewildered.

"I'm here sitting in this little cabin, where kids were murdered. I let the murderer fuck me into oblivion and now I'm holding his hand" Blake ranted on, exaggerating everything with his hand motions and all Jason could do was shit and listen.

"what am I doing? I quit a steady job and dropped a girl I dated for god knows how long all because I wanted to die!" Blake was yelling now, not at Jason but at himself. Jason had never seen someone so angry.

"you were meant to kill me! Yet here you are acting like a pansy!" Blake had toned his voice down and was now pointing at Jason with a glare.

Jason just shifted uncomfortable, no one ever yelled at him, screamed at him maybe but not yelled at him. He didn't like how it was Blake yelling at him either. It upset him. Blake noticed and inched closer to Jason.

"come on you scaredy cat, kill me" Blake said ripping a knife from his back pocket. Jason tilted his hand, he looked towards his machete and then back at Blake who seemed determine to die today.

Blake took a swing at Jason, scratching Jason's arm. Jason backed away from the couch unsure of how to handle this situation. The only thing he knew how to do was kill, but Jason didn't want to kill Blake.

Blake ran at Jason again but this time Jason sliced Blake's leg with his machete. Blake hissed in pain, but looked up more determined than ever.

"is that all you've got? Mommy's boy" Blake let out a sickening laugh. Jason didn't like that name, not one bit. Jason charged at blake, catching him by the collar of his t-shirt and tossing him on top of the table. Blake stumbled getting up, he was only human. Not some kind of supernatural thing like Jason was. Jason launched forward and punched Blake square in the face.

"you mother never loved you" Blake spat as blood dripped down his nose.

The two continued to clash their weapons and heads, Blake was barely standing whereas Jason was fine, the stab wounds not affecting him in the slightest. Blake heaved as he clutched his leg that was now losing a lot of blood.

The two stopped their fighting momentarily when they heard sirens in the distance coming closer and closer.

"fuck..." Blake cursed. The families must've contacted the police about their missing kids. Blake wondered if Jason cleaned up the bodies or was that busty female still chilling by the tree complete nude.

The sirens grew closer and closer but Blake wasn't interested. He wanted Jason to kill him. He didn't want to go to jail.

The cars skidded in the area, in front if their cabin. One by one police officers marched into the woods, whereas some stomped their way towards the cabins. Blake glared at Jason and give him one last stab of the knife and tried to move towards the window. Jason being angered by Blake's actions grabbed him and threw him on the couch. Blake let out a roar of pain as Jason digged his machete into his shoulder.

"asshole" Blake yelled attempting to jump off of the couch. Suddenly the door was bust opened and Blake sprung up.

"drop the weapons and put your hands in the air" the police ordered. They all piled in the door.

"like you just don't care?" Blake snickered, he turned to look at Jason who was just staring towards the police.

"keep your mouth shut boy" he warned as he aimed the gun at Blake.

So blake kept his mouth shut as Jason bulldozed through the police men. Blood splattered everywhere and suddenly blake felt dizzy.

He had lost to much blood. Jason ramped more police officers but was eventually shot down 14 times. Blake just chuckled as Jason heavy body flopped to the floor. He wasn't dead, but Jason never moved.

Blake eventually felt his legs give out and he fell hitting his head on the splinters of what used to be a table. His eyes grew droopy and the last thing he saw was Jason goofy ass being dragged into a police car by 6 men.

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