Chapter 22

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Cassie's Pov

To say that meeting my great-grandfather was a shock would be an understatement. I can't say that I'm upset about it but at the same time I can't help but be wary. I didn't feel any untruth come from him, but that doesn't mean that there wasn't any. My instincts are good, but they aren't perfect. 

Even now, as I sit here going over coronation things with my soon to be mother in law, I can't help but be slightly suspicious of the man. My mother trusted him and she was hardly ever wrong, but the fact that he was in grief for so long and that he lost his mate are making me wary. When a male wolf loses his mate, he can go feral. It's shocking that he hasn't yet. 

I zoned back into the conversation that was happening around me to hear my future-mother-in law and sister-in-law talking about colors. I had told them that I really only wanted to choose the dress and that I didn't care about the other things. They quickly agreed and took over without a second thought.  So here I sit, not paying attention to what will essentially be my wedding. To be fair though, I never thought I would get married. 

Suddenly, Cas and Emily snap the books closed and we hear walking and smell the boys. They're coming in from working outside on some yard maintenance and stick but their mate scent covers that pretty well. I feel sorry for Emily since all she can smell IS the nasty scent of sweaty male. I give her a sympathetic look to which she gives me a thankful smile as my mate comes to stand behind me. He leans on my shoulders as he looks at his family with a gentle smile. 

"Y'all stink and I'm upset that I'm the only one who has to smell it." Emily says and gets up to walk away. 

"Well that was easy. So what were y'all talking about?" 

"Wedding stuff." His mom answers.

"Give the kids a break then. How about you two go on a date. I know that neither of you really care about the details of the wedding, so go hang out. They need sometime to get to know each other more?"

"I suppose you're right. Well then, you guys can go, but I swear son, if you don't shower, I will ground you; grown Alpha or not." His mother said as she stood up and followed her husband up the stairs.

"Well you heard the women. Come on, you can wait in my room while I shower. Snoop for all I care, we're mates so I have nothing to hide." He says and leads me up the stairs to his room. He gathers his clothes and then goes to his en-suite to shower while I lay on his bed and read on my phone. 

It doesn't take long for him to come out of the bathroom with a pair of sleep pants on. I happen to know that they came from Walmart because I have the same pants. They are a pair of black pants with the bat symbol on them. Simple and comfortable. I can't help but smile at this and see him smile at me with a little bit of confusion. I just wave it off and he jumps onto the bed next to me, settling in and then facing me so that we are laying like a cheesy couple from a teen book.

"So, get to know each other?" He asks and I nod. "How many boyfriends have you had?" 

"None. I was always too busy to even consider having a relationship and even if I was I wasn't interested in anyone until I saw your eyes and then I was only interested in you. What about you?"

"I tried when I was like, five, but then mom explained to me what a mate was and I was done trying with anyone who wasn't my mate. And then I saw your eyes and knew I was done for. Haven't really thought about much besides you and work since then." 

"This pleases me." I say with a small smile. 

"I'm glad. Being around you pleases me." He says with a laugh and a breathtaking smile. 

"Alright that was just cheesy." 

"You love it."

"I love you, this is just apart of you that I'm stuck with." 

"It's part of the charm. I'm one hundred percent sure that you wouldn't trade it for anything else." 

"Why would I? You're perfect for me and there's nothing wrong with you. Therefore, nothing to trade or change." 

"Now who's being cheesy?" 

"It's part of the charm." I say standing and going to the kitchen. 

"THAT'S MY LINE!" He shouts after me. I can hear the smile in his voice and grab an apple for me and for him, along with some cheese and jerky because why the heck not? I return to the room and see him on his phone. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him, the stress on his face becoming obvious. 

"Okay. We'll be there soon. Thank you for letting me know. Yes, I'll let her know. See you soon." And with that, he ends the call. 

"Cole's pack was attacked. They don't know why and it was very sudden. No one was majorly injured from his pack, but he still wants us to come down. Your mom is fine and Cole only has a scratch, but he wouldn't say how big. They want us down there."

"OK. Let me put on some actual clothes and we can head down."

"What's wrong with the clothes you're wearing?" 

"If you're going in pajama's, I am too. Besides, these jeans are constrictive and I'm tired of wearing them." 

"I mean, fair enough. Alright, I'll tell the everyone and you change into pj's. When we get back, we'll take a sleep."

"Based on that sentence, you need a sleep." 

"Fight me. I had a long day." 

"Let's go doofus. I have no doubt that Cole was sparing us details."


Ok so I know that I am a piece of crap for taking so long to upload, but I have a good reason... Ok no I don't. Finals were a bit ago and I haven't been terribly busy, I just haven't had the motivation to write. I intend to get another chapter out before next week but I make exactly zero promises. 

Anywho! Happy 4th of July or random day of the week and enjoy the chapter! 

Also thank you for 47.1K reads and 1.4k  votes. Honestly, this makes me so happy! 

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