When you babysit your sister's kid

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Using the O/C Kitty as your sister again and her kid/kids.

Freddie: Kitty stood in the doorway with her seven year old son, Manny. He was small and just as sassy as Kitty, maybe worse. "Thank you so much again, y/n," Kitty said handing you a backpack. You reassured her it was fine as she kissed Manny goodbye and left. Soon he was coloring in his book on the floor quietly when Freddie came in. "Who is that?" Freddie said halfway into the room. "What are you?" Manny said without even looking up. You laughed as Freddie scoffed and went to his room, "He sounds just like his mother." 

Jason: Jason was sitting in the living room across from your five year old niece. You went to clean up the mess from lunch leaving them to eat. Erica reached for her water knocking it over and spilling it on the table. It trailed across the hard wood and onto the ground, landing on Jason's shoes. He quickly moved and seemed to panic. You walked into see Jason, in what you knew to be his over-reacting stance, just as he was about to flip the table you cleared your voice. "How's your mom Erica.. Kitty?" You asked making Jason's head snap sideways. He nodded and walked to his room tensely, once his door shut you heard his ruckus. 

Michael: You walked into Kitty's house with Michael behind you. He seemed nervous as every time he visited Kitty she was doing some weird meditation stuff. This time however she was frantic. She rushed passed you handing you a diaper bag, obviously in a rush and exhausted. Once she left, you turned to Michael and heard a baby crying. Without missing a beat, Michael walked into the baby's room and returned with a swaddled baby. She had stopped crying and was resting on Michael's chest. 

Norman: Norman was very interested in Kitty's kids. They were twin boys who were seven and equally as awkward as Norman. They got along great and he usually spent their time showing them around the motel and them helping him. 

Ghostface: Billy loved when Kitty brought her kid over. Amber was a three year old princess and Billy did not mind dressing up to play tea party with her. They got along great and Amber loved her uncle Billy. 

Brahms: Brahms hid in the walls why you played hide and seek with the eight year old boy. Adam was giddy and excited to be running around the halls with you in Heelshire Mansion. He ducked into a room where the entrance to inside the walls were. He went inside and immediately ran into Brahms. He froze and when helped him hide. It was an hour before you heard the boys giggling as you scrambled into the wall to find them and bring them out. 

Leatherface: Tommy was a little nervous to see Kitty's kids for the first time but when she finally dropped them off he was so excited. One was a four year old girl named Lee and the other was a twelve year old boy named Shane. Tommy took them to the barn and showed them the horses and by the end of the day they were all riding their horses around the farm. 

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