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"What do you need to know?"

I smile, highly pleased with the level of cooperation I'm getting from Raina so far. She doesn't have to work with me, but she is. And I will make due on my promise to her when this works out.

"There's a man that you see every Saturday."

"Siyoung." She says. "Yeah, it isn't by choice. But I have to make my money."

"I understand." I nod, passing her my jean jacket. "You can put this on if you want to."

She takes my jacket, slipping it on and thanking me. "Do you mind if I ask what you do in here when it's just the two of you?"

"We have sex. And it's awful." She admits. "It wouldn't be so bad if he tried something different. It's missionary every time. I'm a dancer. I can move my body. I want to move my body."

"I get it, girl." I chuckle. "Men fucking suck, but he's awful."

She furrows her brow. "You know him?"

"I do." I nod. And not in a good way. He's a wanted man. He's killed many people. Children actually."

"Oh my God." She covers her mouth I'm shock. "That is just terrible."

"It is. And he has to be dealt with. And I'm the one that's going to do it."

"So what do you need from me?"

"Can you get him to come here sooner than Saturday?"

Raina shakes her head. "No. I don't have a number or anything. Just when he comes in."

"Okay." I say. "Do you mind if I wait in here with you? On Saturday. I'll take him off your hands so you don't have to fuck him again. Or ever for that matter."

"You'd do that for me!?"

I smile at her. "Absolutely. I admire you for your studies. And I will make sure that you're well off so you don't need to be here."

"Thank you so much, Ebony. You can wait in here with me."

"Perfect. I think that's all I need from you today. I'll be here at 8:30 Saturday." I reach into my fanny pack around my waist and pull out 3 large bills. "Here, thank you for helping me out."

Her eyes widen as she takes the money. "Oh wow, I- thank you so much!"

"It's my pleasure."

"Can you do something else for me?"

"Anything. What's up?"

"Those 2 guys that came in here with you." Her eyes light up. "They're hot. Can I dance for them?"

I laugh, shaking my head. "That's your job. If you wanna do so, go for it. I'll go get 'em."

"Yes!" She cheers, passing me my jean jacket.

I get up, going to the door and peeking out. Jimin and Jungkook are at the bar, sipping on a couple cocktails. Jimin sees me and I flag them both over. They come to me and I look back at Raina, who's biting down on her lip. She's definitely on Paradise mode.

"What's up?" Jimin asks.

I close the door when they're in and motion for Paradise to come over. "Do you know what her job is?"

"To dance." Jimin says.

"Precisely." I nod. "And she needs to do her job. Plus, we have this room for another 45 minutes."

Jungkook's eyes light up as he looks to Paradise, who winks at him. "You're saying-"

"Look," Paradise saunters to Jungkook, pressing her body to his. "You're both hot. And I wanna do my job. I wanna dance for you."

She manages to reach behind her and grab Jimin by the arm. He's pulled into her back and both men's eyes are wide as she's in between them both.

"She's gonna do her job." I smirk, crossing my arms.

"Hell yeah, she is." Jungkook smiles widely as she bites on his earlobe. "Unless you want me to fuck your life up, pretty girl, you may wanna be careful with that mouth of yours."

"And what if I want you to? Both of you?" She pushes her ass against Jimin and he hisses. Jimin leans in to whisper something in her ear and she giggles, leaning her head back into him. "You don't know what I'm capable of. Let me show you."

"And that's my cue." I say, getting their attention. "That's passed your job description, Raina."

"It's just a little fun." Jimin says, slapping her ass and she giggles.

Jungkook bites his lip, looking me up and down. "Unless you wanna join?"

"I'm in a relationship, no thanks. Have fun. I'll be at the bar."

I hear her giggles as I find myself back inside the heart of the club. I jiggle the handle, pleased to see that the door is locked. It'd be fucked up if this place didn't have locks on private room doors. True to my own word, I find myself at the bar.

"Just a cooler." I tell the bartender.


"She was incredible." Jimin says, smiling and fixing his messy hair as we get off the elevator.

I shake my head, walking toward the direction of our rooms. "Nothing like a good ol' threesome, huh?"

"It was impromptu. But she knows what to do with her body. And her mouth-"

"Alright. Conversation over."

Jimin laughs, running his hand through his hair again. "Not when I have more information to relay."

"What you got?" I ask, now interested.

"The first half hour that he's at the club, Choi sits at the bar scoping. He looks for women to go home with."

"Oh yeah?"

"Maybe sit at the bar beforehand."

"Noted." I nod. "I didn't know you fucking would be beneficial for me."

He smiles, us arriving at his door. "That's why I'm your partner. If you need me for anything else, just call me."

He goes into his room and I go to mine. I have about 3 days to decide how I want this mission executed. Tomorrow, Jimin is taking me around the town. Tonight, I'm going to get some sleep.


Update number 4! Let's get it!!! Short & sweet, Y'all know what to do! Thanks for all your love & support! 💜💜

~S. xx

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