Chapter 4

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I jerk awake as a sharp pain in my leg wrenches me out of my dreams. At first I think it's pins and needles, but as the sleep clears from my eyes, I look down to see a huge black dog trying to pull chunks out of the leg of my jeans.

      I yell out in shock and kick at it, losing my balance, and fall off the park bench I've been sleeping on. I hit the ground hard, my head fuzzy, trying to make sense of why this monster has decided to attack me.

      The dog growls, and as I try to scramble back up onto my feet it jumps at me and knocks me back down – causing me land face first on the grass. I manage to get onto all fours and spit out a mouthful of dirt while looking frantically around, trying to get the dog in my line of sight. I catch it less then two metres away, crouching low, growling, its tail wagging madly.

      I look around for help, but from my low position, I can't see anything. My blood pumping, I eye the dog nervously as it crouches, waiting for me to make the first move. We lock eyes. I stare into its big dark eyes, seeing right down into its cold black heart.

      I make a break for it.

      I'm quick, but the dog is quicker. I don't even manage to get off the ground. It charges at me, knocking me flat on my back, jumping onto my chest.

      I try to push it off, but it's determined as hell and it begins yapping and barking at me. I can feel its hot breath on my nose, its tongue lapping my face. I put my arms up in defence, yelling, screaming, struggling to get free as the savage mutt tries to get at me.

      From across the park I hear a voice yelling, footsteps running to my aid. 'Jeffery, here. Down, Jeffery!'

      I feel the big dog being yanked off me.

      I jump up, infuriated, and spin around, ready to yell my head off at its owner. But as I catch sight of her, my anger vanishes. I'm looking at one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.

      She's shorter then me, though still fairly tall, with beautiful long brown hair and hazel eyes.

      She's holding tightly onto her dog's collar while it strains against her to get at me. 'I am so sorry,' the girl says as she struggles to keep the massive beast under control.

      'He's just a pup, he's not fully trained yet.'

      I stand there trying to look cool, or as cool as anyone can look after they've just been woken by a savage, man-eating dog. 'It's ... it's okay,' I stammer. 'It was just a shock.'

      Relief floods the girls face and she smiles, flashing pearly white teeth.

      'That thing ...' I gasp, drawing in a lungful of air, my adrenalin still going haywire.

      'That thing tried to kill me.'

      The girl giggles and blushes, covering her mouth to conceal a smile. 'He didn't try to kill you,' she says. 'He's just playing. He doesn't know his own size and strength yet.'

      I spit out the rest of the dirt from my mouth and brush off my hands. 'Playing?' I say incredulously. 'Just try to keeping him on a lead next time. I'm not the only one around here who doesn't like being woken by a savage mongrel with bad breath.'

      The girl laughs. 'He's not a savage mongrel. His name's Jeffery and he's gorgeous.'

      I look down at the big ugly dog. Its tongue hangs out of its mouth at an angle, making it look dopey. 'My definition of gorgeous must be a hell of a lot different to yours,' I tell the girl. 'Gorgeous to me doesn't usually include fangs and a tongue like a doormat.'

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