Caviva (special bonus part)

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Aviva didn't understand why Chris had pulled her out to a waterfall nearby during the evening. They were standing but the slippery rocks that created an uneven surface.

They took off their helmets and got off the buzzbikes. "Why are we here?" she asked, confused.

"I've got something to tell you," answered Chris with a wide grin. "Wait for me over there okay?"

Aviva went to where Chris had pointed, a large rock right by the huge waterfall.

"So?" Aviva asked, trying to get an answer or explanation from Chris as the green guy returned to her.

One of his hands was behind his back and he was super neat, like wanting everything to be perfect.

"Aviva," he said, intriguing the inventor.

He knelt down on one knee and from behind, he pulled out and showed her a small red box and opened it, revealing a diamond ring. Aviva awed in its beauty. It was surprisingly huge, at least, bigger than she thought it should be.

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

Aviva was at the loss of words. She was shocked and happy and so many more emotions. She squealed," Yes!" Tears of joy rolled down both of their faces.

She pulled him up into tight embrace. Words could not explain the moment. She picked it up from the box and put it on.

The pure white diamond reflected light from the sun and a rainbow shone as the diamond acted like a prism. The light dancing across the waterfall from the movement of her hand made her appreciate it more. As she looked at the array of colours, Chris set both arms on his shoulders and hugged her from behind.

This was the best day of Aviva and Chris' lives.


They went back to the Tortuga and Koki gave them a smug look, knowing what happened. Martin and Jimmy entered the room.

"Where have you two been?" Martin asked.

Aviva giggled," He proposed!"

"I proposed," Chris said at the same time.

Martin became so shocked. He, however, wasn't jealous but happy for his little brother, and hugged them both.

Jimmy stared at everyone awkwardly before returning to doing what he did- nothing.


(The proposal I unfortunately left out. If you're wondering how Chris purchased it, he didn't. He was in Africa- the best place to find diamonds - and found one by luck. He and Koki then tried to polish it and then put it on a metal ring. It's nice to write this, Sithmi, I hope you like it. Readers, hope you love it as much!)

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