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"Hey, you said you wanted to see me," I said as I made my way into Axel's office. Did he call me here to finish rejecting me like he wanted to do yesterday?

"Did you enjoy your day at the mall?"

Why is he talking about the mall? We obviously have way more important things to talk about, and here he is acting like nothing happened yesterday.

"Is this really what you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked, starting to get a little agitated. The faster we can get to the point, the better. I am very much a fan of just ripping the band-aid right off instead of peeling it off slowly. The small talk isn't doing anyone any good, it is just postponing the inevitable.

"No. Why don't you have a seat," he offered pointing to a chair facing his office desk. I guess we are finally having a mature, civil, long-overdue talk, so I approached the chair and sat down. I could tell he knew I was nervous because I kept twitching and trying to find a comfortable way to sit.

"Are you done?" he asked, unimpressed. I just smiled at him, finally sinking into the seat. No reason to be hostile now, Calista. Let's just get this over with. Even though my heart was breaking, I knew that there was nothing I could do to change his mind about me or the Lunar Trials. But I had one trick up my sleeves and if it works, I might not end up being rejected after all today. After a couple of minutes of silence, I got fed up and stammered, "A-Are you going to say anything, or are we just going to keep staring at each other?"

"I am trying to figure out a way to say something that won't go right over your pretty little head," he sneered.

"I am not stupid. In fact, I am at the top of my class, so I am sure I can understand whatever it is you want to say," I answered back. I may have done some stupid things lately, but overall, I wasn't completely dumb. I am just going through a rough patch of decision making.

"Really, if you are so smart, how did you not realize that I was following you for four hours on the way back here last night?" His voice was rising, and he stood up from his large chair. He followed me home last night? 

"If you are as smart as you claim, how come you didn't think it was weird that the door was left unlocked when you know security is one of our highest priorities?" I was at a loss for words, I didn't even realize that he was with me last night, and for some reason I didn't think twice about the door being unlocked last night either.

"Why did you follow me home?" Was he worried about me? Or did he think that I would just run away and then he wouldn't be able to reject me?

"When you didn't come home with Jade and what's-her-face, I got—That is not the point, Calista. You are completely clueless and stupid. I thought you would at least learn from your mistakes and try to be aware of your surroundings and be alert. The last time you were alone at night, you were attacked by a rogue. What the hell is wrong with you?" I felt really bad now, because it felt like he was reprimanding a little child. The sad part was that a small part of me agreed with him. I should have been more careful last night. I guess I see how I am not the best fit to be a Luna.

"Alpha Axel, not being aware of my surroundings does not make me stupid. It just means that I wasn't paying attention." I said this trying to convince myself more than him. "I thought that this pack was safe, and that it would be fine to put my guard down for a little bit and enjoy the walk home. Plus, since I haven't shifted into my wolf yet, my werewolf senses aren't completely developed yet, and you know that."

I saw him rub his hands over his face, trying to maintain his composure. "This actually brings me to my next point. I think I was a little hasty with wanting to reject you yesterday," he said. Does he mean he wants to give our relationship a chance? I guess this is going better than I thought. "Wait, before you get any thoughts into your little head, I meant that if I reject you, you won't be marked. Which evidently means that you won't be able to shift into your wolf. Seeing how incompetent you are without your full senses. I don't think that is a very good idea."

"Ok," I said. I didn't know what else to say. I wasn't very sure if I should be thankful for my stupidity at this point or not as it saved me from being rejected. But I also felt like shit and I wanted to go bury myself in a hole somewhere away from the embarrassment I was feeling right now.

"I guess you have a few options at this point," he began. I nodded for him to go on. "Your first option would be to do the Lunar Trials and if you pass, we mate," he offered. I couldn't help but roll my eyes that he is bringing this up again. Seeing my reaction, he continued, although I could feel that he was slightly annoyed, "Or you could go through the rejection process, which will hurt and won't immediately sever the bond we have. So, you might go through another cycle of heat," he explained. Hearing this, my eyes went wide again. No, not heat. Anything but that. "But, that leaves you the option to mate with whoever you want later, and even though it might take time, you will eventually get your wolf," he continued. He stopped talking as if giving me a chance to catch up to all the information he just chucked at me. I saw his eyes turn gold. It could be his wolf instinct despising the thought of me with another man, but I couldn't be too sure. 

"Your third option would be that since you have warrior blood, we could try to induce you to shift by putting you in dangerous situations. But I don't know how well that would work, since the last time you were attacked by a rogue, you didn't spontaneously shift. I guess that gene isn't very dominant for you." Conclusion: either way I am screwed.

"Can I have some time to think about this, Alpha?" I asked.

"You really need to think about this? Come on, Calista, stop being such a baby and just do the Trials. Every single Luna before you did them for this pack, and they all passed," he coaxed.

"I am not being a baby about this, alright! I just think that a lot is riding on those Trials, and I—" I was trying to explain my perspective when he cut me off and said, "Calista, just agree to do the goddamn trials!" he shouted.

"Alright fine! I will do the trials!" I finally gave in. "I have one condition, though," I affirmed, trying my best not to have my voice waver.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you don't make the rules here?"

"Aren't you at least a little bit curious as to what my condition is?" I asked hopeful that I had roped him in.

"What is your condition?" he inquired, releasing a sigh.

"You will let me have a grand masquerade ball here at the Blood Venom Pack before we hold the Trials, and it will be an open invitation to all packs. Think of it as a last hurrah before everything goes to shit."

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