Untitled Part 1

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Bella's P.O.V

I was in bed thinking that Finally after all these years our troubles are gone. Not only do we not  have to worry about vampires out to get me anymore like Victoria and James but also the Volturi. They surprised us by not going out into a big fight and they even ended up visiting us and bonding with Nessie. I like our new relationship with them now that its all normal. "Bella" my husband said trying to get my attention. "Yes Edward?" i said smiling "What are you thinking about love?" he asked trying to read me. I smiled and motioned for him to come closer which he did and then i spread out my shield around us and let the shield off of me. He stood still for a second and then when he was finished reading my mind i giggled at his reaction. Edward was just so cute when he was shocked. He smirked at me and said "So i look cute huh?" "You know u do" i said giggling still.

I put my shield back up to secure my mind and keep me safe from the embarrassing things Edward would find out if he kept reading my mind. "Aw i wasn't done reading u yet" he said smiling my favorite crooked grin. "No snooping in my head mister" i said looking him up and down and biting my lip. He already changed his clothes from last night now because now he was wearing dark blue jeans and a blue buttoned up shirt with dark converse. His hair was always the same messy bronze hairstyle it always was and i just wanted to rub my fingers through it kissing him hard. He picked up his eyebrow at me and then smirked "You like what I'm wearing?" Oh shoot my shield must've gone back down while i was um observing Edward more. "Love u don't have to be embarrassed anymore besides ur my wife" he said using his super speed to come up to me.

"I know i am Mr. Cullen i just want my thought to be kept to myself not know" i said licking my lips and getting up off of out bed seductively. I wiggled my hips around while i walked out of the room and i heard Edward grown and try to hold back a moan. I smiled at making him hard and quickly used my super speed to pick out something to wear in my huge closet Alice made for me. Since i became a vampire my fashion sense improved some even though i still miss my old clothes Alice tells me no but i don't listen which causes her to get angry with me for a little while. I picked out a black crop top hoodie that had white strips on the sleeves and some black leggings. When i was done getting dressed i brushed my hair down and left it loose in its wavy curls. I was about to rush out of the house when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them i knew who it was so i didn't fight them for touching me. "Bella" Edward said looking at me up and down. I saw his eyes turn black with lust and he moaned my name again in my ear kissing me on my neck.

Edward's P.O.V

I arrived back to my beautiful wife and mines house to see her eyes open and thinking. I called her name 3 times before she looked at me and smiled. I looked at her and couldn't believe i had married the most beautiful girl in existence.  I wanted to know what she was thinking about and asked her so she told me to come closer to her and i did. She then let me into her mind and i froze for a second still not used to the idea of Bella's thoughts since i could never read her. When i was done i then heard Bella giggling and thinking about how cute i was when i was shocked. I  was glad that she thought of me and then told her what i heard she looked a little embarrassed but shook it off and then closed her shield off of me.

I wanted to read more but i knew she wouldn't let me unless she wanted to or was distracted so i backed up back to our bedroom door so she could see what i was wearing and when she looked me up and down i knew my plan was working. I read her thoughts and knew she was getting turned on some especially when her eyes turned black with lust. I loved the way she thought of me and  wanted to read more but i knew if i did Bella wouldn't like it and i would get no sex for 2 months. So i questioned her on my outfit and she really looked embarrassed and i bet if she was still human she would've blushed really red. I used my super speed and was standing above her while she was still laying on our bed. I told her she didn't have to be embarrassed now that we're married but i slightly liked the idea of her showing her old human traits i know sometimes i do but she never notices sometimes and im grateful for that. She licked her lips which slightly turned me on and got out of bed wearing nothing and then she walked off seductively.

I groaned and tried to hold back a moan that was threatening to come up. I heard Bella rush to the closet to get changed and i quickly knew she was doing this to me on purpose since i tricked her into losing focus so i could read her mind. She knew what i was doing but it wasn't my plan to get us both turned on. I tried to stop thinking about the way Bella's lips feel over mine when we're kissing very hard and getting lost in the moment but i couldn't help it! The thought kept coming and coming until i couldn't take it anymore and rushed to the front door that Bella was about to leave through and tugged her to out room.

She knew it was me and didn't say anything but when i moaned in her ear i knew she was my eyes turn black with lust and i pulled back away from her and saw the same emotion in her eye wanting me as much as i wanted her right now. She bit her lip and i tugged it out from her teeth and began to kiss her at first slowly and then later harder until i ended up pushing my Bella to a wall trapping her there. I pulled her closer to me by her waist and she had her fingers in my hair tugging me to her more. She wanted more of me and i wanted more of her so when i ......................................................................................................................................

(i will write more in this part  later but right now i need to get to Emmet's P.O.V)

I was sitting down on the couch playing Mario Kart 7 when all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw some lady who looked like Jessica Stanly from high school holding a package. "This is for the Cullen family" she smiled at me and then winked "Thanks" i said grabbing the package from her. "Oh um sign this paper for the package pls and congrats on it btw" she said nervously I grabbed the clipboard she handed to me and signed it and then again said "Thanks bye"

When i closed the door i began thinking what this was until all off a sudden i remembered my revenge on the whole family except for Esme and Carlisle of course. I entered all of us into a Wife Swap Contest to get back at everyone for putting make up on me(alice), painting my car pink(bella and edward),stuffing  my room full of boring history books(jasper), and having no sex for 5 months!(rosalie,jacob,and nessie)

This was my revenge against all of them and when they find out i may get hurt but i think it will be worth it especially since they all never knew what was going on with a future seer in the house and a mind reader. I laughed to myself and opened the box to see that we all we're accepted in the contest then out of nowhere i heard a loud girl scream coming from upstars "EMMET!MCCARTHY!" Oh shit i'm dead!


I hope everyone enjoys this story about the cullen's wife swap adventures! The storys gonna keep having some twist in later. Before the wife swap contest start tho (yes its a contest and its a tv show in the story) i wanted to ask yall who should be placed with who?

Like Edward with Rosalie or Alice?

Bella with Jasper or Emmet or Jacob?

Jacob with Nessie or Rosalie or Bella or Alice?

Pls tell me the pairs u want for the next chapters until next time -Amy

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