Self-Care Sunday

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1. Wake up early to get a kick start on your day

2. Do a 15-minute yoga routine and/or a 15-minute meditation to put yourself in a calm mindset

3. Make a delicious breakfast (recipes in Eat Right) 

4. Scrub your face then prepare a face mask of your choice

5. Run a hot bath. Put a bath bomb, Epson salts, or bubbles in it.

6. Get in the tub and put on your face mask for 30-45 minutes. Watch your favorite show. 

7. If you want, put on some oils and shave.

8. Get out of the bath and pat yourself dry. Put on a thick body butter then some comfy clothes or PJs.

9. Make sure your nails and eyebrows are maintained to the level you want them to be. 

10. Choose out some outfits for the week so you're not rushing in the mornings. 

11. Do any homework or assignments, get ahead in your class if you can - eat some easy snacks while doing so (popcorn, grapes and cheese, etc.). 

12. Call or message a friend, chat a bit. 

13. Make a yummy treat for yourself (cookies, cupcakes, etc.). 

14. Start reading a book you've been putting off.

15. Put out anything you'll need for in the morning (prepare breakfast if you can, get everything ready for coffee or tea) so you don't feel like you have to rush. 

16. Get to bed early so waking up Monday morning won't be as tough! 

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