Chapter Six

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"Am I crazy?" Alyssa asked Molly while trying on wedding dresses.

"Sweetie, when it comes to Mathew, everything you do is crazy." Molly laughed. "And Spencer is a great guy. He will take care of you."

"What if this doesn't work out? What if our marriage fails, and we divorce. He will eventually want children. What will happen when he knows it might be risky for me to become pregnant."

Molly walked over and hugged her best friend. "That, my friend, is something you and him need to discuss. Don't worry about a divorce. He isn't that way. He has a good heart."

Alyssa nodded. "Okay. Okay. I have to be calm." She looked down at the dress she was wearing. "I think I like this one. What do you think Molly? Should I go with this one?"

Molly whistled. "That dress looks amazing on you. I was hoping you'd get that one. Spencer is really going to fall in love with you."

"It's not too fancy is it? We want something simple since we are just throwing it together?"

Molly shook her head. "Nope. Not too fancy. It is perfect. And modest. It is just the way you like it."

Alyssa took off the dress and placed it on the hangar. She put her clothes back on and went with Molly to the check out. After the dress was paid for, they made their way to the next shop.

Alyssa soon discovered that planning a wedding was tough. If this marriage didn't work out, she was never going to marry again.

Spencer stared at the little boy running around his hotel room. He told Alyssa he'd watch him while she went dress shopping with Molly.

He did not know what he was getting himself into. Matthew sure did have a lot of energy on that small body.

"Hey, Matthew." He said getting the boys attention. "Are you hungry? Do you want lunch?"

Matthew skidded to a halt. He nodded his head. "Yes. Matthew eat."

Matthew walked and sat at the table. Now, Spencer thought, what does he like to eat?

He decided to text Alyssa. Who else would know Matthew's favorite lunch food?

She texted back immediately. Matthew eats grilled cheese. That sounds pretty simple.

He made Matthew a grilled cheese and decided to fix one for himself. As he sat and ate with his son, he thought fatherhood was going to be pretty simple.

He looked over and saw Matt rub his eyes. "Hey, buddy. Are you sleepy? Do you want a nap?"

Matthew shook his head. "Nope. No nap. Not Matthew."

Spencer laughed. "Nice try, bud. Let's take a nap."

Matthew got up and started to run around the hotel room again. "No nap. No nap. No nap."

"I take that back," Spencer whispered to himself. "This is not an easy job. How does Alyssa do this 24/7."

He eventually caught Matthew, and they both laid on the couch. Soon enough, Matthew fell asleep.

Spencer watched in awe as his son's small chest rose with each breath he took. This is something he could get used to.

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