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"Did you say something?"

"No." You reply after a while.

"I'm pretty sure you said something."

"I'm heading home now. "Is the respond you give him instead. "You're more than welcome to tag along if you want to."

Silence follows your words after that and it doesn't take long before you find yourself standing in front of your place.

Taehyung seems to be lost in his own thoughts.

The door slides wide before you can even open it yourself, revealing Jungkook.

"Noona. Y-you're back."

He doesn't look so good. Visible grey bags can be seen below his eyes. Jungkook takes a step back to allow the two of you to enter.

Once you're in, you signal Taehyung to go to the living room with a nudge of your chin but right before doing so, he leans in and whispers something beside your ear.

"Go easy on him."

Of course.

Taehyung must've caught something by the tension in the atmosphere.

You can only sigh as you watch him finally disappear to the living room.

Jungkook's still standing behind you with his gaze stuck on his fiddling fingers.

"Jeon." You say in a sigh, gesturing him to follow you up stairs.

"Y-yes, Noona?"

"We need to talk."


The burden that had been pulling you down for the past five years' finally lifted off your shoulders.

From now on, there's no more ignoring your obligatory act as a big sister to Jungkook.

You hug your fifteen year-old brother tight as his body sinks into your embrace.

His eyes had gone glossy and wet, fresh trails of tears still streaming down the pathway of his cheeks.

For your childish acts and hurtful words, you begged him to forgive you. Personally, you knew you were hurting him but still continued to do so.

It was wrong of you to do so. Just because you parents decided to go there separate ways, didn't give you the right to mentally torment the young boy.

Jungkook was also caught in between but unlike you, he maturely accepted the situation and thought of you as a big sister. While you did the total opposite.

What you did is unforgivable but he still forgave you.

It's like that for a while, the two of you in each other's arms prolonging the comfortable missed out moment.

"Before I forget." The ebony haired boy mumbles, a little chuckle following afterwards. "There's still something I need to tell you."


Drawing back but still keeping him in arms-length, you lean down a bit to capture his eyes.

At least now he's stopped crying.

"What is it?" You ask.

Jungkook's lips turn into a grin, his hand traveling up to get rid of the excess tears.

He hops on the bed and settles himself to sit cross cross, facing you. "It's about mom."

You may have felt your heart sink for a minute there but you decide to push the feeling away and hear him out. "What about her?"

A heavenly smile seems to contour your brothers face as he sets his attention towards the window.

There's something about the way his eyes' sparkle that makes your heart soften yet at the same time, brings a heavy feeling in your chest.

Even if he has forgiven you, the feeling of guilt's still lingering there.

And you don't think it'll fade away anytime soon.

"Noona." He starts off and you're snapped away from your trance.

You force a smile across your lips and urge him to go on.

And he does.

"Mom's pregnant." He smiles softly "I'm gonna be a big brother Noona."

Taehyung's POV

Y/n's been gone for about twenty minutes now.

The front door suddenly creaks open, seconds before Lisa pops in the living room.

"Oh. You're here." She says after noticing me. She drags her eyes around the living space, as if looking for someone, before landing her gaze back at me. "Um..Where's Y/n?"

"She's upstairs."

"Oh ok. " After setting the two plastic bags in the kitchen, she returns and hops on the sofa across me. "You didn't happen to see a young boy here right? About this tall, brown hair, doe eyes."

I didn't really get to examine the person from earlier but I assume that's the boy Lisa's referring to.

"He's up stairs with Y/n."

At first, she blinks her eyes like she doesn't believe me. Then after a moment of silence, the lines of her eyebrows lift up in surprise.

"No way. Do you know then?"

I cant help my face from twisting, wondering where this is going. "Know what?"

"You know, anything related to her family. Did she tell you? What'd she say?"

"For someone who claims to be her best friend, you sure look interested. It's almost as if she doesn't talk to you about it."

Her silence flickers realization within me.

"She's never said anything? Aren't best friends suppose to tell each other everything?"

Lisa leans back on the sofa before letting out a heavy sigh. "Cut me some slacks. Y/n barely ever talks about her family. All I know is that she has a brother she can't stand being under the same roof as her. Aside from that, nothing. I'm surprised that she easily opened up to you. Someone she barely knows. While I've known her for years already."

I poke the inside of my cheek.

If only she knew.

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