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Tim's POV

  Damian slept for an hour. When he woke it was sudden and jerky, almost like he was expecting an attack at any moment. When he saw where he was and who he was with he relaxed, slightly.

   "You wanted to play a game," he looked at me expectantly. I just pull out a chessboard. A small smile flickered across his lips. "Chess?"

   "I thought a game of wits was more our speed," I jabbed at my older brothers' intelligence. Dick smiled while Jason flipped the bird at me. I almost asked, "when and where? Who tops?" Almost he would take it as an invitation and do it. No way am I letting that happen.

   "When, where, how and who tops?" The red headed child sitting next to Damian chirped. This caused the best reaction ever. Jason literally jumped up the same time as Dick.

   "No!" Both yell.

   "Never ever ask that again," Jason growls. "You three are under my protection and I will never let some asshole have you." A gun had found it's way into Todd's right hand as he waved his left in anger.

   "Colin don't get my brothers into trouble," Dick whined. "That's my job." Here I was thinking he that he finally was starting to grow up. Guess not.

   Damian bursted our in laughter quickly followed by the Super-brat and the red head, now known as Colin. The older males just growled about how the children were angels, and I quote: "Should never have sex, because it will cause them to have cancer." (Dick) and "I will murder anyone who so much as looks at you three with any intent." (Jason)

   "Can we play battle ship instead?" Colin asked politely. Damian looked at the board that I set up in between all the ranting. "You can still play chess with Tim." Damian relented to the childish whim.

(Note: I can't play chess to save my life. So any thing I say for it will be vague and more then likely, wrong. Just warning you.)

   Colin set up his side and Jon set up Damian's. Since both boys were positive the tinny bird-boy cheats. There is no way anyone is that good at guessing. No one. 

   "A4?" Damian chirped.

   "You sunk my last battleship," Colin pouted. "How do you win every time." The child growled out in frustration. Damian gave his signature smirk and moved a rook. I couldn't figure his strategy, though.

It's almost like he was just setting them down within their rules and winning while doing so. "I'm with them," I glare at the queen for taking my knight. "Dang it." Damian froze mid move. "Stupid piece of wind." Damian watched as Jon walked by and purposely knocked over my last last Chessman.

   The smug smirk on the child's caused me bad vibes. Then I was doused in a liquidity type thing. The deep laughter from behind the couch said it was planned.

   "You realize," a thunderous Damian stood up. He was also drifting wet with pink paint. "You got me also, Todd." I watched the interaction. I gleefully watched the the blood drain from Jason's face. "I'm going to take a shower. You go to Papa's room for one Drake. Then we will play another game."

   As Damian left the room the three other males dog piled onto Jason. I go and take a shower borrowing some of Dick's clothes. When I get back to the living room, twister was set out and Jason looked ready to die.

-ends for now!!!!! It took longer than I thought to get the bat family to do the thing. Cuz you know how storied sometimes write themselves you're just there to make sure it happens? Well the other chapters are like that. This one is Batman on a good day. Aka not helpful as a team player at all.


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