Four-The Other Woman

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Joanie wanted a divorce but she knew that Paul would never sign the papers. She was stuck in a dark hole she could not get out of. Paul only cared about his image; there could be tons of problems at home but he always ensured that no one on the outside found out. This was something Joanie was sure of. 

One night Paul decided to go out for groceries with Joanie. She was happy to get out of the house and she knew the kids would enjoy twice as much. 

"Hey guys, we're going shopping get dressed." She said anticipating their response. 

"Yay!!!!!!" Dylon shouted as he dashed to his room. 

Shantel was sitting on the couch watching television, her reaction was completely opposite "You and dad are going out to the supermarket?" She asked sarcastically 

"Yes we are." Joanie replied "Don't you wanna come?" 

"No thanks, I don't think I need any drama today." 

"And what's that supposed to mean young lady?" Joanie asked feeling embarrassed since she already knew the answer." 

"Well I-." Shantel paused as her father entered the room 

"Joanie, are you ready to go?" 

Dylon quickly ran out of the room and answered "I know I am!" 

Paul looked at Joanie expectant on her input, when she remained quiet he broke the silence. "Hey no one said you could come. Stay home and get all your home work done" 

Dylon looked at him disappointingly. "But mom said I -." 

"I don't want to hear it. You're staying home and that's final" Paul left the house and headed toward the vehicle 

Dylon ran into the room crying. Joanie looked at Paul dissatisfied, knowing that she could say nothing to change his mind, he was in charge and she had to obey. She turned to her daughter. "Shantel go talk to him, will you?" 

Shantel groaned annoyed. "Why do I always have to get involved?" 

Joanie sighed. "Just do it" 

Shantel could see the stress in her mother's eyes, she didn't want to say anything but she felt obliged to. "Mom, are you okay." She gently asked. Her mother looked at her like she was surprised that Shantel had just asked that question. 

"Of course darling, why wouldn't I be?" They both knew that she was lying. Joanie could feel her cheeks getting hotter. 

Shantel looked at her disapprovingly. " Okay but I'll always be on your side."  

Joanie smiled, bent down and kissed her daughter on her forehead. "Thanks pumpkin" Joanie almost jumped when she heard the irritating sound of the horn from the vehicle as Paul called out. 

"Good night sweety, don't wait up." She said.

Shantel had no time to reply her mother was already out the door.

At the parking lot Joanie looked at Paul fixed in his seat making no effort to move. "Well aren't you coming?"  

"For what, I don't really feel like walking. I had a long day of work."  

Joanie was becoming impatient. "Paul quit complaining you're making no ,you're going to sit here and wait for God knows how long?" 

Paul remained in his sit like Joanie said nothing. Joanie realised that she was too harsh and Paul was still a man. She placed her hand gently on his lap. "Pleaseeeeeeee" She said Paul smiled and took her hand in his. 

"Fine, I'll come along." 

Joanie closed the vehicle door smiling and thinking to herself that maybe there was hope. 

While in the supermarket Joanie was busy sniffing and examining fresh produce when she heard Paul laughing in the other isle. Curious, she peeped to see what was so funny and that's when she saw her. She was a short woman with a full head of ginger red hair, the perfect body and a well rounded butt and she was whispering in Paul's ear while he held her around her waist. 

Joanie felt an electricity of emotions pass through her all except shock. No wife would be shocked if they found out that this woman was who they had unknowingly been competing with. This woman was a goddess. Joanie observed as her black dress cleaved to every curve on her body. She had to do something before they began to strip naked and go at it like wild monkeys in the middle of the supermarket. She braced herself she was not going down without a fight. 

"Paul darling" She said making her presence known as she came up to them. The woman turned and looked at Joanie in astonishment as she brushed passed her and put her arm and around Paul's waist like a territorial lioness. "Could you smell this corn I don't know if it's fresh" She said handing him the produce not removing her eyes on the home wrecker in front of her.  

The woman began feeling uneasy. "Hello I'm Melinda" She said as she stretched out her hand expecting a hand shake. Joanie glanced down at her hand and slowly made her way back up Melinda's huge blue eyes. 

"Joanie, Paul's wife." She said stretching on the word wife and ignoring that Paul was standing right beside her. 

"I know" Melinda replied "I've heard a lot about you" 

"Oh really?" Joanie turned to Paul and then back to Melinda "Sad to say I've heard nothing about you." 

Paul was finally beginning to scence to tension and was surprised at Joanie's calm and bitchy attitude. "Well there's not much too tell um the corn seems a little sour to me. Maybe we should try another super market. Let's go" he said.

"No, I think it's fine lets stay" Joanie retorted. 

Melinda looked at the two was about to melt and Joanie enjoyed seeing her embarrassed and unwanted.  

"Well um I normally shop here and the produce is quite fine. Um I have to go now so l guess I'll see you again Joanie. Um, tooldes." Melinda shuffled out of the supermarket feeling the burning stare of Paul and Joanie following her. She prayed that Paul did not come over that night. 

Paul looked at Joanie blazing with anger and she simply returned the stare trying to keep herself from exploding she said "Is something wrong dear?" 

"I'll be in the vehicle" he said 

Joanie knew that he was actually saying: I'm going to ask my mistress about our next arrangement. She pulled on his arm. "No you won't, you're my husband and you belong to me, now we are going to continue shopping and act like this little encounter never happened.  

Paul raised his hand to slap Joanie. "Hit me and I scream like crazy." She threatened. 

Paul sighed. "We need tomato paste." 

Joanie looked at him and said "I'll get it" 

For the first time in a long time Joanie felt in charge she felt that she finally put her foot down and enjoyed it. They eventually finished shopping and went home they hardly said more than three words to each other but this was their ritual. 

When they arrived home Paul went into Joanie's room as she was changing to her nightgown. She looked at him and smiled as she pinched her pointy nipples. "Want something sweet tonight?"  

Paul ignored her question "You embarrassed me tonight."

Joanie shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about" 

Paul was begining to get agitated. "Just don't let it happen again." 

Joanie went towards him. "Or what? You really think that I'm gonna let that whore come between us? No okay no I'm your wife and if I see her near you again ill do much worse" she said quietly trying not to wake the children. "Now do you want sex or don't you. I'm sure I'll be better than your precious Melinda." 

Paul's anger boiled to the point of no return and he punched Joanie hard in the face. She fell to the floor unconscious.

"On second thought, I would like some sex." he lay on top of her and had his way with her lifeless body then came all over her. When he was fished with her he simply picked her up, placed her on the bed and left the room.

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