24 - Tuttugu og Fjórir

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A/n: Hey guys. I'm so glad you made it this far. I would love to hear your thoughts and criticisms for my story. So let me know what you think!

He couldn't possibly know. Could he?

If he knows, are there others?

"The orders are for Fathilagt?" I asked.

Sven nodded his head.

"How do you know all this? Who's asked for my protection?" I asked him.

"There are a few things that I need you to trust me on Rayne. I really need that from you. Telling you everything would just lead to decisions that wouldn't be bad just for you, but for everyone around you," he said, placing his hand on mine.

His tone was very calm, but just as compelling. As much as he annoyed me, he was a man who could have his way with anything.

"But you promised me information in return for what I had to say," I said pleadingly.

"Firstly, I already knew you were a dyrith. And secondly, I still wouldn't tell you everything right away. Be patient Rayne," he said. I would have taken it quietly if it wasn't for his smirk at the end.

I saw Sven get up and was about to say something when,


Great aim Rayne. The pillow I sent his way landed right on his face, and it was really satisfying to watch.

"Was that really necessary?" he asked rolling his eyes.


Another one!

"I'm on a roll!" I said excitedly.

He turned away, but not fast enough to hide the small smile he was wearing.

"Grow up. You'll need more maturity than that to get through the next round," he said, now at the door.

"Wait, what's the next round?" I asked.

"The Liet are simple people. We need just two capacities for our members to fulfill: physical and mental. You've qualified the physical round. Your next test will be based on personality."

I tried to take this in. "What do I need to do to prepare?" I asked him.

"Nothing, unless you can change your personality traits in three hours," he said smiling.

"Sven just help me out here," I said pleadingly.

"Okay. But you need to be open with me about yourself, so I'll know what they can target in the test. It's 100% a mental game. Jedrek is not going to make it easy on you," he said.

I sighed.

"Finish your food and get some rest Rayne. Try to clear your mind before the test. Okay?" he said.

I nodded my head still unclear about the whole situation.

"No matter what, you can't say anything about what I've just told you. You can't let anyone know where you're from, or the real reason why I've brought you to the Dwelling. And don't forget," his voice turned to a whisper, "the walls have ears."

"Just, stay strong and you'll pull through." There was concern etched onto his face.

I just nodded. I was not capable of saying anything else, because my words would come out as questions, and for some reason I felt that Sven wasn't going to entertain any more for a little while.

"Oh and I almost forgot," he said and came back towards my bed. He took my hand, opened it, and placed a shiny pendant necklace on it.

I recognized it from the night before.

"This is-"

"A souvenir. From last night," he said.

"But this is-"

"It's yours now. You earned it," he cut me off again.

I stared at it and realized, I didn't get a chance to appreciate it last night. Especially when the objects were covered in blood and mud in my hands.

All clean now, I saw the delicate gold chain with an even more delicate pendant. The pendant was a gold sphere with markings all around it. I couldn't tell if they were actual words in a foreign language or random lines. Either way, it suited my style.

"It's beautiful Sven," I said looking at it.

"Go on. Wear it," he said.

I pulled the chain around my neck, and fumbled a bit with the hook before hearing a soft click, which told me it was in place.

"Who should I thank for this?" I asked him wrapping my fingers around the small gold ball.

"Your competitors weren't expecting to be on hospital beds when they signed up to take you down. Take it as a token of their respect," he said smirking.

"But why the pendant? I took three things," I asked him.

I saw his face turn a bit surprised, as if he wasn't expecting this question at all.

"Well, Ag's object was a wallet with 50 pounds in her pocket. You stole something much more valuable than that. And Agatha isn't the kind to forget easily. She refused to give you the tooth. Also, there wouldn't be any use of a men's watch to you, so they decided on the pendant," he said.

He was suddenly smiling brightly and I could see the laughter in his eyes.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing, nothing," he laughed as he said. "I just can't believe you pulled out her tooth! Her tooth! How did you even figure out she had a silver one? That was crazy brute!"

"Like as if the copper fur and ability to conveniently vanish wasn't enough to give her away," I said.

"It's not everyday you meet a silvertooth though, is it?" he said.

"Is she okay though? I was so overwhelmed with adrenaline I didn't think about how painful it would be," I asked, concerned.

"She'll be fine. She's already pretty much healed. She'll get her tooth back in a few weeks," he said casually.

But the pain.

It would have hurt her much more than if someone pulled out a regular tooth. I should go apologize.

"If you're thinking to apologize to her, there's no need. It wasn't a fair battle to begin with. Nobody anticipated you wouldn't be able to use your wolf. Ag knows that," he said. His words bought a familiar sinking feeling in my stomach, and a lump formed in my throat that made it difficult for me to breathe.

Relax Rayne.

"That doesn't mean she's angry about losing her tooth," he went on to say. "But she's angry at herself for underestimating you, that's all."

I quietly nodded again.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked me.

"Mhmm," was all I could muster.

"I'm going to head out for my training. I'll come back in a few hours. Do you think you could manage that long without me?" he said smirking again.

I rolled my eyes and looked for something else to throw at him.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving!" he said and rushed to open the door.

I sighed and just tried to finish my meal in peace.

I miss you Imadis.

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