Chapter Forty

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I could only imagine what Jonah was feeling when we both walked along the hallway together, hand-in-hand.

And, oh, everyone noticed. We might not be a pair of the most popular kids in school, but we had made a scene—a couple of times—during the busiest periods in the hallway. That wasn't very smart of me, but, hey—at least I got the attention I'd wanted?

Jonah was biting his lower lip when we got to my locker, and I knew that something was in his mind. He muttered, "Everyone's looking at us."

I raised my eyebrows. "Yup."

He made a displeased face. "It makes me feel weird."

I sighed, feeling a little guilty about the whole thing. After all, it was all because of me. What I'd done. Operation Bite the Apple. I was debating myself if I should apologize, even though in order to apologize I needed to admit what I'd done wrong—but Jonah wasn't done talking.

"I mean, I guess I see it now why everyone's confused when they see us because we're kind of an unlikely couple and you're here holding hands with the freak kid who sits in the corner and they must be so confused why you're with me because you're you and I'm me and—"

Oh, geez. He wasn't even pausing for air as he kept grumbling. And now, looking at the distress on his face, I was feeling even worse than before.

"—why would you date a guy like me anyway? You could basically choose everyone over me but—"

To shut him up, I finally turned to him and pressed my lips against his. His word vomit immediately stopped, and he tried to pull me closer, only to have Daisy blocking our embrace.

I finally pulled away and gave him my most convincing annoyed look. "Since when do you talk a lot?"

He was grinning now. "Since now I am going to ramble a lot if that is the way you're stopping me."

I punched him in the shoulder. "Regarding your word vomit, I am not going to comment on it since everything you said was irrelevant."

He sent me a sheepish smile. "Sorry?"

"I don't care what people have to say about us and you shouldn't either. They don't matter to us," I told him seriously as I closed my locker. "What matters is just this," I gestured to the space between us, "and that's all. If I hear you talk about how much you think you don't deserve me or whatnot one more time I am going to let the sole of my shoe kiss your lips."

He grimaced at me. "Let's never make that happen."


Since it was now Jonah's turn to take care of our demon baby, I had to stay at the diner after school to watch after her while he worked.

As I was doing so, I tried to finish another assignment that Mr. Herberg gave us. This one was done individually, and I was only required to answer a few questions that he had given me. Apparently, married couples were bound to have some shit fuck them up at some point in their marriage, and Mr. Herberg was giving me a few scenarios of what could happen in my "marriage" with Jonah, and I had to tell him what I would do to solve those problems.

Honestly, I couldn't see the point of this assignment—after all, we were only teenagers and we weren't actually married to our own classmates, and all these questions were starting to get kinda weird—but, hey. Anything I could do to get a good grade.

I was already halfway through the questions, my fingers starting to hurt from writing too many words. I looked up a few times to steal glances at Jonah—and most of the time finding his eyes already locked on my—but then I turned my focus back on the paper in front of me.

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