Sign Me Your Name

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Banner had concluded after blood samples and testes that Loki was indeed human. "His powers are gone as well as his hearing." The doctor told Thor. The god of thunder felt guilt and worry for his brother. Thor knew Loki could never go back to Asgard, he would now grow old and die as any mortal man does here on Midgard. Sadness overcame Thor. How could he sit back and watch his brother go through all these struggles of mortality? Not to mention doing it all in silence.

Loki spent days in that cell. Most often he was crying and screaming that he wished that Thanos would have just killed him.
Thor would try to sooth his brother, but how do you tell someone everything's going to be ok when they can't hear you?

Thor was sitting in front of Loki's cell writing on a notepad, Loki had his own he was angry scribbling upon. They were trying as best they could to communicate. "I want to go home! I want a healer to fix this" Loki revealed what he had written. "I wish you could, but father won't have a mortal in Asgard." Thor's large writing read.
Loki put the notepad down holding back his tears as he grabbed the ice pack Banner had given him for his ankle. Gently he sat it on his swollen broken tendon, swiftly sucking in air as it stung.
Thor hated seeing Loki hurt, he may have brought this punishment upon himself but seeing his little brother practically mute and deaf was a pain hard to bare.

Thor got up and left Loki to ice his wounds, he went upstairs to see Steve in his normal joyful mood. "Thor, I have an idea to help your brother." He said with an excitement in his voice. "What is it?" "I met this girl she is interning with SHIELD, she's deaf and knows Sign language!" Steve said it as if Thor should know what he meant. He looked puzzled at the soldier. "She communicates with her hands, she will move her fingers and hand to make a sign and people understand it and will talk to her using that" Cap explained. "So Loki has to learn to talk with his hands?" Thor asked. "Well, all of us will have to try to learn if we want to talk to him," Steve smiled. " Then get this deaf lady of earth and bring her to Loki," Thor commanded patting Rogers on the back.

Loki was sitting on the floor drawing in the notebook, there was nothing better to do. He felt eyes on him and looked to see a young Midgardian woman, no more than 20 earth years.
She smiled at him a waved excitedly. Loki's eyebrows came together. Was she waving at me? Loki looked around to see no one behind him, so he returned a less enthusiastic wave.
Steve Rogers was with the woman, he was moving his hands frantically making himself look quite silly. The girl nodded and The Captian opened Loki's cell. She entered and the door was locked behind her.

She held a book and glanced around the prison her eyes finally landing on Loki she went over to him and sat cross-legged in front of him.
Loki looked at her in disgust. What convoluted plan was this! He just wanted to be alone a sulk in self-pity and self-loathing why would they bring him a friend! He couldn't talk to her! Was this a sick joke!
She noticed his anger and confusion, setting down her book grabbing his notebook she wrote: "What is your name?" Then handing him then pen she waited for his reply. He scribbled down "Loki" and looked irritated at the girl. She made quick movements with her hand and then when he did not do the same she then grabbed his writs pulling his hand to her. What was this woman doing? She pulled on his fingers. pushing three of them down leaving only his thumb and his pointer finger out. She smiled at his hand and the pointed to the "L" on the page. Then she made him make a fist with a circle in the middle, she pointed at the "O". Manipulating his fingers more he made a "K" and then she put his pinky up and pointed at the "I". She kept doing it back at him until Loki finally mimicked her. She shook both her hands in the airs (the sign for Applause or clapping) and then handed him the book with a smile. She got up and was about to leave when Loki grabbed her hand. He grabbed the paper and wrote: "What's your name?" Putting her pointer finger and thumb to the side of her mouth and making her fingers open and close twice She made the sign for bird. Loki looked at her unsure what that meant. She ran off to where Steve opened the door of the cell. The two got into the elevator she disappeared from his sight.
Loki picked up the book she left him on the cover said: "ASL Ameican Sign Language Dictionary."

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