Chapter Two

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Songs for this chapter:
• Honeymoon Avenue - Ariana Grande

Chapter Two:

I hate mornings.

My alarm sets itself off and I awaken with a long overdue jolt of surprise. I groan, grinding my fists into my eyes in attempt to wake myself up. Feeling the raging headache from last night still pulsing through my head, I wince in pain.

Well, I'm certainly not being late for school just because of the obnoxious and shrill sounds of my brother and parents' argument echoing through the long hallways all night, causing me to lose a solid three hours of sleep, and to be gifted with this pain in my skull, which is still dawned upon me now.

What they were bickering about is beyond me, but it's probably over the fact that they could have found some alcohol he may have had stashed somewhere.

So reluctantly I rise out of bed, and within doing so, chills are sent lingering up and down my spine at the drastic change in temperature from my body to the cold floor my feet had just struck. My jaw clenches and relaxes, leaving me to simply pull my thin robe tighter around my waist as I silently sulk into the bathroom.

I put on a simple white dress, not putting much thought into it as I slip my shoes onto my feet.

I then keep my hair down as always. It falls just to my hips, and even though everyone insists that I cut it, I never have.

"Lex, we're leaving in five!" Charlie calls out, knocking on my door before opening it. "You ready?"

Looking at my desk, where all my homework is skewed everywhere, is a sure-tell sign that I am certainly not ready to leave.

"God, no," I respond, a slight bit of distress in my tone. Why we have to leave forty-five minutes prior to usual is beyond me, but I scamper over to organize my things quickly.

Charlie sighs, as if to scold me, even though I hear no irritation there. "I've been telling you that Friday morning practices are starting up again this week."

How could I forget? Even though I've taken a more creative root by trying my hand at the Arts, my brother always has been, and always will be, more athletic . At the moment. he's mostly focusing on soccer, which, to my luck means early-morning practices. And considering he's my drive to and from school every single day, it's becoming extremely irritating.

Trying to over-dramatize the situation as much as possible, I fall backwards onto my bed, groaning. "How about you play a sport that, y'know, doesn't require early practices?"

"How about you, 'y'know', get your license? You literally turn seventeen next month."

Oh, he's playing dirty today.

I get up from my position flopped out on my bed, and I skim right past Charlie, who's been leaning up against my bedroom's wide doorway.

He follows down the stairwell right in my footsteps, poking me on the shoulder repeatedly in hopes of gaining my attention. "Come on, Lex, don't be bitter. I'm just kidding."

Long story short, we spent the whole trip in complete silence. Obviously not having time to eat anything for breakfast, I was painfully hungry, which didn't really help the situation at all.

My mind is completely blank as I stare out the window, my eyes not entirely focusing whatsoever. Deep in the pit of my stomach, I can feel that something is off in the atmosphere.

Charlie pulls into a parking spot right near the front door, considering the school is literally abandoned in result of how painfully early in the morning.

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