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Sorry for the late update.
I had such a hard time trying to figure out how I wanted this chapter to go, this chapter went through a lot of plot changes.
Hope you guys don't enjoy this TOO much... 😂😈

I scrolled through all the condom jokes Aiden and Giovanni had sent. They were as creative as the group chat's name, "Gucci Gang 420 Bang Bang".

"Important messages, huh?" I asked Matteo, sarcastically.

"Safe sex is important." He joked in his seriousness as he set his phone down on the table.

"I thought you said that there won't be any spams."

Matteo admitted, "It won't be for long. I'm making Aurelio add a feature where you can mute Aiden and Giovanni's notifications."

I shook my head and laughed. Aiden was a year older than me, 30 years old, but he reminded me of a little boy. He was naive and clueless most of the time, proving to be the perfect victim for Gio's impractical pranks.

As for Giovanni, the 31-year-old man claimed to have a 'sexy imagination' rather than a 'dirty mind'. I've yet to have a decent conversation with him. Every time he opened his mouth, Giovanni would spew suggestive, sexual statements or questions. I've never met someone who can turn any situation into a sexual one.

"Ciao," Aiden said, smiling as he came to our table.

"What are you doing here?" Matteo asked Aiden.

"Huh? You told me to come in." He answered, confused.

Matteo rolled his eyes and rephrased his question, "What were you doing around the area before you found us?"

Aiden explained that he had just come from meeting up with an old friend. By the look on Matteo's face, he knew who exactly Aiden was talking about. I was left in the dark as they spoke about mafia matter. As Aiden talked, standing at our table, I noticed that he drew a lot of attention from nearby customers.

"Aiden," I interrupted him. "Go grab a seat and sit down with us."

Aiden looked around the restaurant, scanning for an empty seat. Instead of getting a chair from an unoccupied table, Aiden approached the table taken by the pretty girls that had staring problems. I shook my head, knowing that Aiden wanted something more than just a chair. Men will be men.

"Evening, ladies." He greeted them with his handsome smile.

"Hello," they all said in unison. Their voice harmonized almost perfectly in a seductive and flirtatious manner.

"Is the seat taken?" Aiden asked in a sexy husk.

"No, but I'll trade it for your number," a gorgeous brunette answered, batting her curled eyelashes.

"Deal," Aiden smirked, cockily.

He recited his phone number out loud to the brunette. Her friends, sitting around her, who heard his digits whipped out their phone in secrecy to add Aiden in their contacts.

"Put me under as Arden." He winked, giving his fake name to the brunette.

"I'm Gaby. It's short for Gabriella."

Aiden looked surprised, "Woah, that's my grandmother's name."

"Huh?" Gaby asked, confused.

My eyes widen, shocked. Why would Aiden say that? All his chances with the girl had gone down the drain. I looked over at Matteo. He sighed and frowned.

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