Chapter 29

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You jitter your nails, your knee galloping on its own as your mind loses itself into a trance.

It's been exactly 30 minutes. 30 minutes since you've locked yourself inside a bathroom, half an hour since your dance with the Prince. You're sitted on the toilet with no plans on going out to the venue again.


"Its okey Y/n. You're someone worth hurting for."

You blinked.

And blinked again.

"What....what did you just call me?"

You blink again, before pushing him off you.
What had come out of his mouth honestly triggered you. The kid who's, let's not forget, younger than You, called you by your name.

You've completely forgotten about the eyes that's planted on both you and him, your mind set on on reminding him to show respect.

He stumbles back, but catches his balance right away.

The audience gasps silently. Surprised would be an understatement. Not only had Prince sweeped off a random girl among the crowds, who they were sure for a fact was someone above the required age, but she also pushed him away.

You rub your temple, an arm resting under your elbow as your eyes finally decide to roam around the room.

When your senses finally attacks you, you dropped your arms, a terrified expression plastering your features when you lock gazes with some eyes. You wished the floor would open up and swallow you whole this very instant.

"Uh..." Hesistantly, you turn your attention away from the crowd, to Jungkook, his eyes wide as they stare at you in confusion.

Grabbing the cloth of your dress, you whip your head away from him, bowing apologetically towards the crowd for the sudden commotion you've caused, before sprinting out of the room like a coward you were.


Oh, now his calling me Noona.

You roll your eyes, getting yourself inside one of the stalls before locking it shut.

Flashback Ends


You freeze, eyes widening as you bring yourself back from your trance.

"Noona are you in there?"

With both your eyes wide, you clasp both your hands in front of your mouth. Your eyes traveling at the peak located under the door. You almost release a yelp when spotting his shadow hovering over the small opening.


You stay quiet.

What on earth was he doing inside a girls bathroom?

Obviously to find you stupid.

You hear him release a sigh, before hearing his footsteps walk away, the sound of the door closing afterwards.

You find yourself releasing a sigh of relief, mind coming up with an idea that it was time to get out of this place.

You stand up, flushing away your imaginary waste, before opening the door of your cubicle.

You could've sworn your soul just left your flesh, when spotting him leaning casually on the well-tiled brown wall, just beside the door.

You jerk backwards, clutching your hand against your chest as you try to compose yourself. The kid just scared the poop right out of you.

The click sound of a lock soon echoes through the room, but you're too busy on finding your breath to even notice that.

"Noona." Jungkook calls out.

A shiver runs down your spine hearing his somehow raspy voice. You let your hand drop, as you face the young boy. You're still a bit pissed of, when he adressed you the wrong way back there.

No respect at all.

You furrow your brows noticing how his eyes starts scanning your figure as he takes slow intimidating strides toward you. His hair no longer was fixed to one side. Instead, they were sizzled in a way. As if he had just came from ruffling them himself. He brings his button lip under his teeth, suppressing the smile that you happened to notice, tug up his lips.

His hands were both tucked inside his pocket as he finally stops in front of you, eyes locking with your own as he looks down at you.

"I like you in this dress Noona. You look beautiful." He smiles genuinely, eyes glittering with nothing but sincerity and adoration.

The fact that the light in the bathroom were slightly dimmed, the only source illuminating the room would be the row of lights planted on the front mirror, gave you the advantage to see how those orbs glittered beautifully in front of you.

You had to use every ounce of cell within you, not to cooe at how cute he was right now.

But then you felt like you've forgotten something.

Oh right.

You guys were still inside the bathroom.

In a girls bathroom.

You gasp, and without saying a word, grabbed jungkooks hand, dragging him immediately out of the bathroom.

You internally cheer when spotting no one inside the hallway. You set your mind to get the Prince back to the party and dash your way out of the palace right after.

"Noona wai-"

You cut him off, nudging him forward, stumbling him a bit, but manages to find his posture, as you quicken your pace, the heels not helping at all.

You groan under your breath, stopping to take your heels off, before continuing with your tracks again.

Jungkook can't help but smile at the sight of your delicate fingers wrapped gently at the outline of his wrist, but being the sly guy he was.

He grabs your wrist tugging slightly, to which you let go. Using this chance he slips his hand in between yours, now grasping your little one in his securingly, that smile of his growing wider.

Your body halts when reaching that specific room, eyes frantically scanning around the room, as your chest heaves for air.


Aside from the workers cleaning up the place.

It was empty.

Just how long did you lock yourself up inside the bathroom?

You feel a pair of arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer, before feeling a chin rest on your shoulder.

Jungkook releases a chuckle, the vibration rumbling the surface of your back, his breath hitting the sensitive part of your ear.

He grips unto tightly, whispering something into your ear before walking away.

"You're sleeping with me tonight Noona."

Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Where stories live. Discover now