Dont want no scrub

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Chapter 13
Recap: Basically all that happened was Pen sad some smart shit, than tried to hit Aphrodite so Aphrodite beat her ass and Pen went to the nurse and Jace followed Aphrodite to the Principals Office. Also I'M terrible at summaries so Yeah Let the story began -------------------------------------------------> >>>>>>>>>>><<<<>>>>>>>

Guess what. No, seriously guess what! My ass is off the hook since A) I have no record of fighting and B) many eye witnesses said they saw Pen hit me first. The principal did yell though and told me next time I will be suspended and it will go on my record. Now that would ruin my whole life so for now I'll be a good girl.

Pen how ever is suspended and currently at the hospital. Serves her right.

"You guys scared the hell out of me!" Nara shrieks grabbing her chest as she looks at me and Jace as we take a seat at the lunch table.

"Sorry," I say with a ligh8t laugh and a shake of my head.

"So?" Mark says making me turn to him.

"So what?" I ask with a raised eyebrow

"Did you get in allot of trouble? "

I shake my head with a smile "no trouble at all and I actually. "

Everyone's eyes widen at that news.

"Really? That's great! But why? You did almost kill her." Marie says with a pointed look.

"Well it does help that she started it and I've never been in trouble before."

"Well you got real lucky." Tyler says biting into his apple.

I shrug my shoulders and everyone goes quiet as we eat our food.

============Later on that Day========================

I'm currently at home all alone and I thought "hey, what better way to pass time than to jam out to TLCs song No Scrub"

"I don't want no scrub, a scrubs a guy who can't get no love from me, hanging out the passenger side of his best friends ride trying to holler at me!" I sing at the top of my lungs, broom in hand as I sweep the floor and sing into the broom probably looking like a complete idiot.

That's when clapping brings me out of my trance. I scream at the top of my lungs, not knowing someone even came in. Unfortunately I lose my footing causing me to fall over and land on the floor with a loud 'thud'

Laughing breaks across the room over the music causing me to painfully pull my self up with my arms and look at the two smiley corporates that almost caused my death.

"Marie? Nara? What are you guys doing her I say still a little dazed. "And how did you get in? I'm pretty sure I looked the door."

"I have a spare key, remember?" She asks with a raised eyebrow twirling the key on her finger. "Oh, and I like your outfit." She says causing my face to heat up. I am currently wearing pink short shorts that could pass as underwear and a white see through top exposing my pink laced Victoria secret bra. Now before you judge me I thought I was all alone and I definitely didn't expect for anyone to come over. I mean would it kill her to call?

"No offense, but why are you guys here?" This time it's Marie who speaks up.

"Non taken, but we just wanted to see our bestie. We kind of wanted to have a girls night so here we are." She says with a bright smile.

I roll my eyes at the two ridiots (retarded idiot. It's something my sister made up when she was mad at me xD) in front of me before nodding my head.

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