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Nine months later.

"Oh wow okay," Jules winced as she felt another contraction start and pressed her hand against her side where it felt as if someone was wrapping their hand around her lower spine and squeezing. She thought that being shot hurt but maybe now she wasn't so certain.

"Yep," Her mother just smiled knowingly from where she sat next to her on the couch and stared at her watch, timing the contraction, "Just breath through it."

Jules rolled her eyes at the useless information but she decided it not to snap and instead focus on the wall across from her until she could feel the tightening pain subside and knew that it was coming to a close.

"Thirty seconds," Katherine remarked with an impressive nod of her head, "Something tells me that these aren't Braxton hicks again."

"-Or heartburn," She added when she saw Jules open her mouth to speak.

"No, maybe not," Jules sighed sadly and turned her head to the left where a floor length mirror was propped up against the wall next to the bay window. Sat on the edge of the sofa she looked at her humongous reflection; her legs were spread wide to accommodate her large belly, her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was dressed in her pyjamas as it was barely seven o'clock in the morning. The pain had started in the early hours but she had suffered from false contractions, Braxton Hicks, a few weeks ago and she still wasn't due for two weeks so she simply got up and pottered around the house until her mother heard her and woke up to investigate. Katherine had taken the spare room at Marc's request since the start of her last trimester. The doctor had stressed that there could still be complications even this late into the pregnancy and as Marc was away on tour he did not want her left alone. Jules stated that she wasn't alone but he claimed that Safia, a twelve year old girl, was not the ideal birthing partner he had in mind for her. She had to agree with him and Katherine leapt at the chance to be close to her daughter again, even if it meant swapping Bishop Green for greater London.

"Your hospital bag is ready and waiting in the hallway. Shall we take you upstairs to get dressed?"

"I need to get Safia ready for school," Julia told her mother as she gripped the edge of the sofa and pushed herself up onto her feet, swiping her mum's hand away when she tried to help her. "Safia?" She called out as she wobbled across the living room, out into the hallway and stood at the bottom of the stairs, "Safia, honey, it's time to get up." As she looked up the stairs waiting for Safia to reply she was struck by how simple her life had now become. After years and months of fighting for this exact thing she was finally there with an adopted daughter and another child on the way. She still missed the military and when she went on maternity leave it was the hardest day saying goodbye to her family but seeing the beautiful girl emerge at the top of the stairs rubbing the sleep from her eyes and wearing Princess Tiana pyjamas made everything worth it.

"I'm up," Safia yawned.

"Brush your teeth and get dressed for school sweetie," Jules told her, biting the inside of her cheek when she suddenly felt another contraction start to build up.

"Okay," Safia yawned again as she turned and walked into the bathroom whilst Jules gripped the end of the banister and rode out the next contraction. Squeezing her eyes shut she rested her forehead against the banister and bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain a little.

"Julia?" Katherine's voice suddenly called from the living room until it was suddenly right next to her, "What's taking so long- Julia are you alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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