Chapter 7: Birthday Games

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Courtney's birthday was bound to be the party of the year. The entire grade was invited. While I had no desire to see Tyler, my friends would be there. As would Jax.

So I now had three options. I could not go, which I felt was not a real option. I didn't want to miss her birthday. Who am I kidding though, I wanted to go to a party. I wanted freedom for a night. I could lie to my parents about where I'm going, which my dad finds out everything and again I would be grounded. Or I could ask nicely and pray for the best.

Honestly, option two was sounding pretty good right now because at least then I for sure was going to party.

In the end, I figured I was walking a fine line with the parents as of late, I needed to gain their trust back.

I find my dad in the garage, dressed as casually as he gets while he changed the oil on his car.

When I was younger I used to love sitting out here watching him work on his car. Basically it was like a member of the family. We called it his 'First Born'. Sydney was the baby, then me, then Felix, the eldest was a 1987 Buick Grand National. Pretty sure that bitch was his favorite child too. So when I was little I would sit in an old yellow chair that he had set in the corner of the garage just for me. I would take a book and wrap myself up in a blanket as he would restore it.

I smile as I see the chair still sitting there. I sit in it, bringing my legs up to a pretzel and watch him.

"Been a long time since I've seen you in that chair" he smiles. He removes the rag from his back pocket and begins wiping the oil from his hands.

"Still comfy!" I giggle and do a little hop on it. "Before you guys kick it I need you to put in writing that I get this chair, I'm sure Syd and Felix will fight me for it..."

"I think your chair is safe Gabs. The car however... you'll have to fight your brother for it."

"Can you put in writing that we literally have to fight for it? Rock, paper, scissors gets the car! Best two out of three!"

He points to me and laughs. "I like the way you think. I wish I could be here to see it."

He gets back down on the hard cement floor of the garage to see how his draining of oil is coming along as I begin to stir in my seat.

"Dad?" I ask reluctantly.

"Yeah Gabs?" He's grunting as he scoots himself back under the car.

"I have to ask you something and I don't want you to freak. Just hear me out..."

I can't see his face but I can see his entire body sigh.


I hesitate. This is probably making it worse than it is. The whole situation is stupid. I should be able to go to my friend's house on her birthday.

"Courtney's birthday is today. She's having a party" I pause. " her house."


"Dad please? It's not a school night. Her parents are there. My friends will be there. It's just a normal sleepover. We aren't even going to drink, I promise!"

He shimmies his body out from under the car and doesn't even look me in the eye as he stands.

"Gabs I said no." He takes his hands and dusts off his dirty jeans.

"Dad! I have been on house arrest for almost four weeks. All because I had half a beer and played a game of pool. Felix did way worse when he was a senior! I don't even know if Jax will be there! I don't even care if he is. I want to hang out with my friends. I'll keep my phone on, you are right across the street!"

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