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Chapter 37

- Mia White -

I was more then embarrassed when my dad walked in and saw Ace and I. He even asked Ace if they could have a quick chat.

So now, I'm in my room, waiting for Ace to return from their quick chat. Well, it's not as quick as I expected since I've been waiting for about sixteen minutes. I could still feel my heart hammering in my chest, as if I had just run a marathon when thinking of the moment on the balcony. Ace said he loves me.

Was it safe to say I love him too?

We've only been dating for a while, but Sarah and my mom did say that we've technically been dating since we were kids. Although, it was never official. I've had a crush on Ace for as long as I can remember. He was always in my thoughts. Good thoughts or bad, he clouded my mind.

What am I suppose to say when he comes back? That I love him too? But how exactly am I suppose to say that and not sound awkward about it? Ugh, this is harder then I thought. I mean, it's Ace. He knows I feel the same way, but that doesn't mean I'm still embarrassed to admit it that I love him.

My head snapped to the door when someone knocked. "Come in," I said.

I bit my bottom lip nervously as Ace walked in. I should've taken these past sixteen minutes to plan what I wanted to say.

My eyes landed on his has he walked to the side of the bed I was sitting on.

"Ace—" I started, but stopped when he placed my soft kiss on my forehead. He waited a few seconds, and he pulled away, a small smile was on his face.

"I have to go," he said, sadly. "I'll see you in the morning."

With that being said, he left without another word. All I could do was stare at the door, and think about how I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.


As the days flew by, I tried to talk to Ace and confess that I love him as well. However, every time I tried, something held me back, and my voice just suddenly disappeared. All I need to say is I love you. But those three simple words were hard to say to the person I've loved since childhood.

I was kind of glad that he wasn't here at school today. His mother wanted to spend some time with him after everything. Since he's not here, I'm no longer a nervous mess.

When we went back to school, no one talked to us. Sure, there were a few people who greeted us and welcomed us back, but most people just stood back and stared. What was surprising was that Mindy was also here. I thought that she'd want to be with her brother after not being able to see him. Right now, he's at home with their mother.

Mindy was the same as always, but she wasn't constantly picking on me or anyone. In fact, she even apologized for everything she did and put me and my friends though.

"I know sorry isn't going to fix anything, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm truly sorry for what I did," she confessed, her head hanging low.

"I hope you'll forgive me one day, and that maybe we can be friends..."

Honestly, I don't know whether or not we could be friends. At least not right now, but maybe one day.

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