Strained Relations

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Aki pov.

It hurts. It hurts. It pains me to see them get along so well. I finally kissed Y/n and that was great but the minute it had ended that boy Kyle had came over and completely monopolized her attention. I kept trying to bring Y/n's attention back to me by casually walking in and out of the room and making small noises wherever I could but it didn't seem very effective. In any normal situation I would've separated the two by force but I still had my plan underway and I couldn't appear to clingy. I wanted her to think I didn't care even though I did care quite a lot. Eventually Y/n did leave to use the restroom and as soon as she was out of the room I crept in and tried to get that Kyle guy to leave. The only problem was that it appeared this kid had grown a backbone.

"Get out."


"I'm not kidding. Leave."

"No way."

"I'm warning you....."

"Look I don't care what you say, I'm not leaving. Y/n is my friend and I'm not going to let you get in the way of our relationship."

"Relationship? You two don't have a relationship. All you do is come over here, eat our food, and bitch about work."

"It's called 'hanging out'. Its what friends do."

"Well I don't like it." I muttered under my breath. Just then Y/n came back and I quickly slinked out of the room before she noticed me. I watched them continue their conversation from the kitchen. Seeing the so close infuriated me. I had to do something to keep him away from her. I needed a plan. Immediately I ran to Y/ns room and started rifling through her drawers. When I couldnt find anything I ran to the guest room, or my room, and started looking around for something in there. I was clearing out the closet when my hands landed on a cold metal box hidden under some blankets. I pulled it out and it was a red tool box. Inside where very hammers, clippers and screwdrivers as well as an assortment of heavy duty duck tape and rope. I took out the rope and twisted it around my arm, pulling on the end hard. The material was rough and cut into my skin leaving a nasty bruise but the rope showed no sign of breaking.

"This could work." I muttered with a smile as I slipped the rope back into the box and hid it out of sight under the bed. I then returned to the doorway to watch Y/n and Kyle.

Hours passed by and eventually night fall came. I watched as Y/n let out a heavy yawn and stretched in her seat. It was time. I quietly closed the door and slipped under the bed covers while turning off the light. Minutes passed by and I could hear muffled conversation in the hall. Eventually the door to my room was slowly pushed open and Y/n pleasant voice was heard from the doorway.

"Aki, Kyle's leaving. Do you want to say goodbye?"


"I guess he's already asleep." I heard her whisper as she quietly closed the door. Once the door was closed I lept out of bed and pulled out the toolbox while at the same time pulling one of the coats Y/n bought me. Outside I heard the front door open and close and I heard Y/n walk to her own room.

I swiftly pulled open my bedroom window and with my toolbox in hand I jumped into the dark street, landing on my feet on the sidewalk. Outside the air was cold and icy and the streets were practiclly deserted. I quickly ran to the street corner and peered around just in time to see Kyle leaving the house. When I saw him turn a corner I quickly gave chase as I quietly stalked the boy down the snowy streets of town. My plan was simple: I was going to follow him home. I was going to wait for him to fall asleep. I was going to break in. And then, my favorite part, I was going to make sure that he never left that house to see my Y/n again.

Kyles house was surprisingly close to Y/ns as he ariived as a heavy set brick building. As he went in through the front door I ran around to the back and quickly found a back window that I could pry open. Once inside I hid in a hallway closet and waited for all the lights to go out. Darkness came and I waited a few more hours until I was sure he was asleep before quietly slipping into his bedroom. He was asleep on his bed so I slowly crept over to him. I opened up my toolbox and pulled out the rope and the duct tape as well as one of the bigger hammers. I put a peice of duct tape over his mouth and tied his hands and feet together but while I was tying his feet he woke out and started screaming and kicking me. The duct tape muffled his screams while his tied hands prevented him from freeing himself but I still found the kicking and squirming to be extremely annoying. While holding down one of his legs I reached for the heavy hammer I had left on the nightstand. In the pale moonlight I watched as his eyes opened wide in horror before I smashed the hammer into his face. He immediately stopped moving as the pointed back edge of the hammer left a nasty gash in his forehead that streamed fresh blood down his face. I finished tying his feet together and dragged his limp body out of bed and downstairs to the basement. Once there I used the rest of the rope to tie him to a chair and then I left him there, locking the basement door behind me. By the looks of his house I guessed that no one else lived there so if I was lucky he would die of starvation or blood loss or something.

On the way out I passed by a hallway mirror and saw my own reflection. My normally shining blue eyes were dull and my silky white hair and ears had a long streak of blood on them from the splatter when I hit him in the head with the hammer. I went into the bathroom and washed out my hair and then exited through the back window. This time I left it open if in the hopes that I could add hypothermia to Kyles list of possible deaths. I ran home and jumped back into the window to the guest bedroom but I didnt stay there. I wanted to sleep with Y/n tonight. I pushed open her bedroom door and saw her sleeping peacefully. Quick as a flash, I shed off my coat and climbed under the covers next to her. Her small frame inched away from my chilled body but I took her by the waist and pulled her closer to me so she was pressed firmly into my chest. I let my chin lay on her head as I took in the scent of her freshly washed hair. It was so warm and comfortable. I had missed sleeping with her so much but I was sure it wouldn't be long now. WIth Kyle gone and me being distant Y/n was bound to get lonely eventually and once she did she would come to me for comfort and affection. Then we could sleep together every night and we would never have to be apart. Never.

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