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Krissy was hard at work within her studies. She would only take breaks when she deemed it necessary. She didn't want to waste anytime on useless, unimportant things. The only time you would ever find her without a book was when Blake Tyler was on tv.

It had been a year since she last saw him. Their first year of university was soon coming to an end. Blake promised to come to Connecticut for the summer, but Krissy knew he would not. He loves California, the warmth and the sand. There was nothing that could pull him away, so she thought.

Every time Blake was on the field, he would subconsciously look for the girl of his dreams. The girl he couldn't seem to forget. He wished that there was a possibility for them to be closer but he knew it was impossible. She didn't want to leave Harvard and he didn't want to go back to Connecticut. Their lives were different and he hated that he couldn't do anything about it.

Sometimes he wished that he could go back in time and start over. He wished he would have fallen for the nerd instantly instead of months later, but it was too late. All he had were memories and regrets. His fondest memory was when he said he loved her. He knew in that moment that with all the obstacles in life, she was always going to be there for him. Even now, 3000 miles away, he still loved her.

"Yo bro! Come on!" One of his fellow teammates shouted. He looked up and saw that coach was waiting for him. He shook his head trying to free his thoughts. He needed to focus. It was the final practice where the coach would decide who ultimately stays on the team. Blake wasn't worried. He knew that no matter what happens he would always have her.


Krissy finally decided to take a break from studying. She knew all the material and only had one final left. She would then be done with her first year of college. Hoping to become a lawyer, she knew she had many more years to go.

The only thing that stopped her from being happy for the summer vacation was knowing that her best friends weren't coming home. They all had their own lives and their own friends. Krissy was stuck in Connecticut, alone.

Her phone started to vibrate uncontrollably, earning her a few glares from those around her. She quickly packed up her school things and exited the library. She set foot in the crisp April air, wrapping her jacket around her body. Even if it was about to be summer, the weather said other wise.

Looking down at her phone, she saw that she had a missed call from the one and only Blake Tyler. Her heart rate began to pick up. She hadn't been able to talk to him for more than a few minutes since Christmas. He was hard at work in California, earning his degree and playing the game he loves. He would try to make time for her but life always interrupted them. It was either football practice or class. Nothing was on their side.

Quickly calling him back, she felt the butterflies in her stomach start to squirm. She was excited to hear his voice again, making her wish that she could be in his arms. She missed him and hope that he could come home for even a day, but she knew that he had summer practice to worry about.

"Hey." She heard Blake say. She sighed, the feeling of sadness coming to her. She tried to hide it before replying to her boyfriend.

"Hi Blake." She said softly. He chuckled. She quickly found an empty bench and sat down. She was fighting off the tears that were threatening to spill. She hadn't realized how off she felt without him. She wanted nothing more than to be in his arms.

Blake found his way onto the Harvard campus. He looked around for that brunette he hadn't seen in almost a year. He felt bad that he couldn't come home during any of the breaks. Football was his new life and it was uncontrollable. He wished he could make it up to her and now he could.

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