Chapter 5

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" I'm not staying a second in this damn place. " I said angrily

" And what are you going to do about that? "Jonathan asked.

" You just keep on provoking the hell out of the guy maybe he even wanted to release us but you had to open your mouth and get him angry. " Sam said angrily.

" Well if you guys can take his attitude I certainly can't oh and you can stay here waiting for him to 'release' you. " I said doing air quotes when I said release.

"How are we going to get out he has our things remember. " Sam said.

"Well not for long. "I said.

" So what's the plan? " Jonathan asked.

The guards were not within earshot and were standing outside the cell which was in a room so they were behind the door and wouldn't notice me missing. I had the power to turn invisible but it could only last for five minutes so I had to be quick about what I wanted to do.

I turned invisible and I liked the feel it had, I could also walk right through things like a ghost. I walked right through the cell and the door walking past the guards who couldn't even see me. I stopped realising I had a problem, I had no idea where the office was or where he kept them and worst still I had no idea how to get there and I didn't have time to waste. I had to find the place fast and get back to the cell after taking our things and all in five minutes. How possible that was.

I saw the dude that walked in while we were kissing standing out from a big black door with some other guards and I hoped it was his office and walked right through the door and yeah it was. He was in his office kissing who I presumed to be Cici or another one of his whore. That got to me a little. I know our kiss didn't mean anything to him it really didn't to me too but then I just hated seeing them together. It wasn't jealousy ,just hatred.

     As if what they had yesterday wasn't enough, I had to bear the pain while they enjoyed themselves. It was as if someone was slicing my stomach repeatedly and to see them again kissing was just something that made me angry. He knows of my existence but he just can't stop being a man whore. I  wouldn't be surprised to find out this was his way of torturing me but is there even a need for that?

He was trailing kisses down her neck now and she was moaning. I really hated seeing that and it got me angry and I couldn't control my powers and I started creating a minor tornado sending things flying around the corner and the ground to shake controlling both the air and earth element at the same time. They paused taking in their surroundings.

"What's happening? " Cici asked scared.

I made use of the distraction and took our things with our weapons. I shouldn't have let that get to me. I calmed down and it stopped.

" It's nothing. " he replied d resuming from where they stopped.

That got me angry but I controlled it and walked outside. I wasn't going to let him affect me. I would be out of his life now and he won't matter. I would go and forget that I have a mate cause he's worthless.

I got back to the cell unnoticed and was still slightly angry. Now that we have gone passed that we had the toughest thing to face. How to get past their tight security unnoticed and leave safely.

" Now how do we get out of the cell? " Jonathan asked and I smiled gripping the bars and soon enough it started burning. I know I was going too extreme and we would be caught that way but I don't want to stay here any longer.

Soon enough it came crashing down making noise and that attracted the attention of the guards who came through the door.

" How? " one asked staring at the fallen cell

"I'd show you. " I said, I was about to burn him to death but I decided not to.

" Where do you think you're going to? " another asked pointing his gun at us but Jonathan was quicker shooting him straight in the heart.

That caused fear and it officially started the fight. Shootings started and an alarm went off. He was going to get involved now and we had to get out of here as soon as possible. An arrow was shot at me and I caught it mid air and shot it back at the person. Someone charged at me with a dagger and I easily dodged stabbing the person on the leg nuts it didn't stop the person from trying. He kicked me and tripped me. I fell and tripped him too and when he was down with me I quickly rolled over and stabbed him in the stomach.

Jonathan was handling it pretty well as one charged at him and he used his muscular frame as an advantage gripping the person's hand tightly and I did hear a few bone crack as he took both hands causing the dagger to fall out of his hand. Someone was pointing a gun at Sam and I used my powers to take it away from Sam using the gun to kill someone else charging towards me. We ran out of the cell careful enough to dodge the bullets shot at us and finally we were in an open field outside. All that just needed to be done was to climb over the big fence and we'd be out of here for good but it was not that easy. Soon enough we were surrounded by thirty of them again. This isn't fair and I chose not to play fair. They were each pointing a gun or arrow at us and then the last person I expected to see came out of nowhere.

" Move a step and I won't hesitate to order them to shoot. " he said coldly his tone icy as usual daring me to take a step . I held his gaze as he dared me with his eyes to move.

" What are we going to do now?" Jonathan whispered

"We take a step. Let's make a run for this. " I said and they both gave me the are you crazy look.

"OK. What's the plan? " Jonathan asked.

" I see you are scared. I'd make this easy for you. You come forward and return to the cell or you try anything stupid and you get killed. But either way you die though. " he said smirking.

" You wish." I said smirking.

Although he was high, arrogant and all. He couldn't dare kill me could he?

"Try me." he said smirking. The way he spoke suggested that he was going to act on his words not minding the consequence.

" You order your men to drop their weapons and let us go or I'd kill everyone of them including you . " I said commandingly and he laughed. He had the guts to laugh at me and I'd show him he's messing with the wrong girl.

" What could you possibly do?you're nothing but a feeble girl and you can do nothing . "he said mockingly. I was really hating him.

"Well if you are so sure that I'm feeble and I can do nothing why are you keeping me as your prisoner then? " I asked smirking. He was silent for a while not saying anything. He obviously has nothing to say to that. " Tongue tied now?"

"You try moving and I won't hesitate to kill you myself ." he said with a tone of finality.

" I'd like to see you try. " I dared.

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