Chapter 12

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Ariana watched the footage again or rather she tried watching it but it was a bust with what was going through her mind.

Ariana sighed for the umpteenth time. She needed to be immune to his charms but there she was at four-fifty-six in the morning trying to do her work but she couldn't seem to. He probably keeps a lot of women up at night thinking of him and she hated to be one of them.

She felt her chest tighten at the thought of that and she shook the thoughts out of her head. She needed to get a few hours of sleep in so she could function better. She shut down her laptop and placed it on the bedside table. Pulling the blanket, she went to sleep.

She would have to deal with being immune to his charms. Or fake being immune.

Sleep came quickly as her head cleared.

Ariana stood in front of the window, her favourite spot in his house. The view was so much better at night though; it almost felt like the city lights and the stars meshed and became one galaxy. Right then, the view was just as great with the sun rising, the outside pool shimmered as the sunlight hit it.

"Let's get going Green." Jace walked through the kitchen to the living area and didn't stop to get a cup of coffee like he usually did.

"Yes sir." Ariana turned around and headed out before him both ignoring each other.

Jace was behind Ariana and he frowned slightly when he saw her heading towards her bike.
"Green? What are doing?"

"Getting on my bike," She stated the obvious, "I have things to take care of."

"Marvis can take you anywhere you need to go,"

"I'm perfectly capable of taking myself anywhere I need to go. Thank you." She gave him a death glare when he was about to utter something else and he stopped and sighed.

She noticed his tired eyes and a part of her was glad that she wasn't the only one who'd had a sleepless night.

"Fine." Jace headed towards the car.

Ariana turned on the engine and put her helmet on, she revved before taking off without a care in the world. She hadn't been on her bike for a couple of days and she'd almost forgotten the feeling of being free.

Ariana headed to the company first to make sure there wasn't another surprise waiting for him. She parked her bike at the entrance and took off her helmet then made her way into the company building.

"Can you look after my bike for a few minutes, I'll be right back." She told the familiar-looking security guard who stood at the entrance.

He nodded and she gave him a curt nod before she headed towards the elevator. She arrived at the fortieth floor and stepped out and then headed towards his office passing Bridget's desk on the way, who was around yet. She entered his office and checked everywhere before heading back out towards the elevator again.

Just as she arrived in front of the elevator about to push the button, the elevator opened up and Bridget stepped out.

"Is he around?" She asked, looking frightened,

"No. I'm just early," Ariana said, "I have to get going. I'll be back after lunch."

"Everything alright?" She asked, concerned

"Yea. Work-related," Ariana got into the elevator, "See you later."

"Yea." She headed towards her desk just as the elevator closed.

Ariana stepped out of the elevator and headed through the lobby towards the exit. She stopped short when she saw him making his way into the building and then resumed walking. Jace was heading towards the elevator when he looked up and saw her.

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