chapter one - football player puke

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chapter one - football player puke

Sometimes I seriously regret not taking up Aunt Cassandra's offer to move in with her when I was 12. At the time, the thought of living away from my parents and twin brother broke my heart. Ha! If only I could go back and tell myself that this is where I was gonna be 6 years later. Trapped in my room on Football night.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Summer Preston. Daughter of Adam and Taylor Preston. The two nut jobs who decided to have 9 kids. Yeah, you heard me. Nine children. I mean, technically it's not their fault. I doubt they knew they were going to have 2 sets of twins and one set of triplets. Eric, Me, Matthew, May, Sage, Kevin, Devin, Marc & Sky. Oldest's are 18 and the youngest is 3 months old.

Being in a big family has its perks though. Like, we aren't super sheltered and we have a lot of freedoms. Like Saturday nights for example. We have a "party" every weekend. Technically its only 4 friends coming over but it's still a big thing. Eric has his 2 best friends over (including Matt but he lives here.) And I have Marilyn and Kali over, but recently I've been ignoring her.

Bang, Bang, Bang

"S-Summer! K-Kevin hit me!" Marc, my 9-year-old brother yelled through my locked door.

"Are you bleeding?" I wondered.

"N-No." Marc said.

"Then go tell Eric." I sighed.

"Eric!" I heard Marc yelling.

"Yes!" I heard the series of screams coming from outside my door.

Teenage boys, I rolled my eyes.

"Touchdown!" I heard the deeper voice of my dad.

And dad, I laughed silently.

As you can tell, football is very important in my house. My brother Eric is captain of the high school football team (a spot once held by my father.) My other brother Matthew joined the team last year when he was a Freshman. Then my brothers 2 best friends, Anthony and Tanner are on the team as well. Anthony is the quarterback.

Mom wanted me to be on the cheerleading squad but that's just not my scene. Which is funny since I look like your stereotypical cheerleader. Blonde hair, blue eyes, etc.

"Hello, best friend" Marilyn bursts through my bathroom.

"You were in Eric's room?" I ask.

Marilyn Gomez. My best friend since we could talk and even when we couldn't talk- we would eat sand in the sandbox together. Theatre geek, beautiful, hot-headed and I am 99% sure she has a huge crush on my brother.

"Well your door was locked and I'm pretty sure you did not want to see him.." She glared at my bedroom door.

Him.... aka Tanner Griffin. The guy I had a major crush on for 5 years... The guy I secretly dated for 7 months and the guy who slept with my best friend. Not Marilyn, Kali. Of course, she didn't know she was sleeping with my boyfriend but she did know I liked him. And of course, Tanner knew he was my boyfriend.

"You should just tell Eric. He will beat the-"

"No! If Eric found out he would NEVER trust me again. And he would never bring his friends over" I hushed her.

"And that's a problem why? You hate Tanner and Anthony does nothing but bug you" Marilyn raised her perfectly plucked eyebrow.

"Shut up and help me" I rolled my eyes and started climbing out my bedroom window.

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