(NEW VERSION) Chapter 18

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AN(as of 24 May 2014) Hi guys, I've decided to change this chapter because I'm having a bit of writer's block with the flow of the previous chapter. even though this had not been done before in the history of wattpad, I think, I hope you like the new chapter. THANKS!!

She was right. Some of the girls grew more hostile. They would deliberately mess up the files and documents. It took her hours to right them. Someone had even spilled tea, because no one ever drank coffee, decaf or otherwise, on some important documents. She had to search and replace everything without alerting Matt or her mentor, Callie Winthorpe. It was a laborious process.

However, something she hadn't foreseen, some of the girls were becoming very chummy with her. They believed, erroneously, that this would give them better access to Cameron. Or more information on him. or better yet, dirt on him. She was quick to disabuse them of that notion. She expected some repercussions but most of them were alright with that. They were initially bummed about it, going so far as to join the 'I hate Sharon and want her to leave' club but most just ignored her.

She told Cameron about her reception in the office during dinners. They took to having dinner together every evening. Most days she'd cook but if she didn't have time, she would ask Cameron to get take out. She didn't reveal all but enough to appease him. Which means he would stop asking questions. Or so she thought. He had other ideas however.

'Do you need me to talk to Matt about this?'he asked one night when he had wheedled the true extent of the hostility from her. She frowned at him.

'I don't like being tricked like that,'she told him from across the table, ignoring his question completely. 'I was promised extra ice cream here.'

'No,'he contradicted. 'You were threatened with no ice cream at all if you didn't tell everything.'

'I remembered it differently,'she pouted. He gave her an exasperated glance. She couldn't ignore the way he looked, so handsome, rugged and sexy. With his brows scrunched together, his lips pulled down in anger. Like a lumberjack. He was especially sexy when he was trying to deal with her antics. She stifled her giggle and increased her pout. He could never resist her pout for longer than 2 minutes.

'Fine,'he cried, finally giving in. 'You should bottle up that look. It'll enslave every man and you can just request ice cream and everyone will rush to do your bidding.'

'You think so?'she asked absently, watching Cameron dole out her serving of ice cream. 'A bit more.'

'No,'he warned. 'And I still haven't forgotten the question. Do you want me to talk to Matt?'he asked as he brought the bowl to the table.

She sighed. She had hoped he would have forgotten about the issue. 'No,'she said playing with her ice cream. 'I can manage.'

'But if it escalates, you would tell me right?'he asked. When she didn't reply, he repeated himself with enough steel in his voice.

'Fine, fine. I will but I can manage,'she told him. Then she asked him about his appointment the next day. 'I have already cleared it with Matt and Callie so I can leave after lunch.'

He shot her an 'I know you're changing the subject' look but he went along with it. 'Alright. I'll pick you up at 2?'

'Sure,'she said, licking her spoon clean. Cameron gave her an inscrutable look, focusing his eyes on the spoon. She thought he wanted some ice cream so she scooped some up up and offered it to him. He shook his head, as if clearing his thoughtd, and took a bite.

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