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※※ P A R T O N E | 1. ※※

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The harsh wind slaps my cheeks, making me hug my coat tighter around my body.

I can see my breath in front of me as I stare down at the dirty pavement, counting the squished chewing gum that has been dropped onto the pavement, like I do every morning on my way to school.

Reaching the neatly manicured garden of my best friend, Kai, I send him a text as I lean against his fence. My text comes out misspelled due to the wool gloves I have on. I frown at my phone, not bothering to correct the mistake as I slide it back into my coat pocket, tucking my hands underneath my armpits, attempting to contain as much of my body heat as I can.

"Hey, hi, hello," my best friend of eight years greets me, holding not one, but two steel containers of what I'm guessing is his mother's freshly brewed coffee.

Kai has been a major part of my life. He is tall; taller than me and nearly skinnier, too. His lanky arms fall down his sides, looking almost unnaturally long compared to the rest of his body. He has pale skin that burns quickly in direct sunlight and a distinct freckle on his face that has been there ever since I first met him. He has round, brown eyes and cute, long lashes that darkly frame his eyes, which are covered by the thick-rimmed glasses he often wears. He has a dark, navy coat on and matching navy gloves that have been worn so much that they're thinning in some parts.

He pushes his glasses up his nose with his thumb before handing me a tin of coffee. I grin at him thankfully, clutching the warm vessel to my chest.

"Mm, I can already taste it," I murmur eagerly.

He smiles in return, taking a sip, before spitting it out dramatically. He makes a yelp sound as he does.

"I told you not to drink it yet!" I hear his mother sternly yell out from the kitchen window.

"Hi Mrs A," I greet her with a friendly wave.

"Hello Ellie," she smiles back, before disappearing back into the kitchen.

"Note to self: the coffee is hot," Kai mutters, slinging his bag onto his shoulder.

Tucking a loose piece of my blond hair that has escaped my braid behind my ear, I fall in step with Kai as we begin the short trek to school.

As Kai launches into a story about the T.V show he is currently watching, I absently watch my breath swirl in front of me, not paying much attention to Kai's rambling. He does this most mornings and it's always about a topic I have no interest in. He loves the sound of his own voice.

We continue the route to my next best friend's house – Heidi. The third and final member of our trio. I pull my phone out as we near her front yard, managing to correctly spell this time.

"Should have texted her when you were back at my place, then she might actually be on time," Kai states with an eye roll.

"Good point."

I glance at the time on my phone, knowing that we need to be on our way now, otherwise we will be late.

"Sorry, sorry," Heidi apologies as she hurries down her driveway, her messy, auburn hair spilling across her face, her school bag swinging off her shoulder.

"You're a mess," I say, holding my hand out as she tosses her bag towards me, quickly throwing her hair into a bun that somehow looks neat and like she put effort into it. She has a gift of naturally looking beautiful, even though she goes out of her way to be messy, late and disorganised.

I carry her bag most of the way as she frantically smooths over her appearance and stopping to tie her shoelaces up once.

We arrive at school, surprisingly, with about five minutes or so spare. I make a beeline straight to my locker, the heat from the hallway and classrooms already sending warm waves through the corridor. Once entering my code, I slip out of my woolen jacket, neatly placing it inside the locker. Using my mirror stuck onto my door, I give my appearance a once-over.

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