chapter 17

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We were still on the plane not yet landed because Switzerland from the USA is quite far.

I don't know when and how I slept on his lap but it was the most comforting sleep I could ever get, and again I don't know how it became comforting for me as I was on his lap and not on any bed. We had a luxurious room as well in here but Cayden preferred me sleeping on his lap rather than in a room out of his sight.

I am in the same place with him but still, he convinced me to stay by his side. Then we had our lunch as well, which I must say was very delicious. He seemed busy as he was continuously typing on his laptop. He would frequently order me to bring him a drink and some soda or even some paper in order to keep me busy with him. He was doing the work but I was equally getting tired.

Now, something like two hours is left on this plane to land and I can't wait to see how Switzerland looks like. I heard its very cold in winters and as winter is near, it must be cold in there.

After some time a lady who seemed older than me but quite flirty and vivacious was all over the place, she completely ignored me and tried talking to Cayden about some business mater. On the other hand, Cayden didn't seem to notice that she was being extra talkative and suggestive in every matter they were talking. I could feel wired things in my stomach and heart whenever Cayden seemed to consider and think more deeply about what she was saying, it felt like I am no one in there. They seemed very engrossed in whatever the matter was.

My temper raised when I was about to take a drink for Cayden from the bar and she stopped me to take it herself. Ugh . Does she even know who I am?

" You can sit and I will do everything for him and I am good at making drinks as well. You don't know that Cayden doesn't like this type of drinks which are made by hand. He likes alcohol. ha! poor you! How will you know what he likes and dislikes? Okay, that's true that I don't know what he likes and dislikes but every time I made this drink for him, he liked it and made me make more for him. My handmade Irish coffee is liked by everyone, when I worked at the bar most of the people demanded the drinks that I make with my hands. Irish coffee is a sweet drink which has not much of the ingredients as well.

I let her do whatever she wanted because I don't know Cayden was actually liking what I made or was it just his thirst. I want to see what he says after this mini change in his drink. Deep down I want him to not like what she is making. She is using alcohol and I always hated it, may Cayden hates the drink she is making. 

I should get angry and force her to leave but I just want to see what Cayden says after drinking her own made drink.

After she made the drink which looked quite good, she smiled almost like she won the lottery ticket and went straight out of the bar. I followed her standing away from both of them. It hurt me how Cayden smiled towards her and took the drink from her hands and started to sip in the drink she made. He didn't notice that it wasn't me who made this drink and he didn't complain as well. It means whole this time my special drink didn't matter but he just needed alcohol made by this lady. I don't know what is her name but I hate her.

It's not her fault that she is very beautiful and talented.

I am talented too.

You are, but not as much as she is.

Now, look at her face, body ... Are you that good looking and attractive?


See! You yourself know the truth. Why simply fight then? It's not that you feel anything for Cayden. Now, do you?

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