Chapter Seventeen

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Madison's p.o.v »»

Today is exceptionally boring especially because I have an algebra test this morning, and Tyler's been giving me the cold shoulder. Will asked me for a ride, so I agreed. He sparked up a lot of conversation with me in the car about girls.

"So, who's the lucky girl?" I ask, rummaging through my backpack for my algebra textbook with one hand and driving with the other.

Will immediately goes red, looking away from me, "What do you mean? There's no girl." He says, breaking a sweat.

I frown, "You don't have to lie to me, Will."

He sighs before looking back at me, "It's Kate Wilson."

He blushes, getting out of the now parked car, "She'd never go for a guy like me." He says as we walk together towards the building. I slap his arm in protest, "What's that suppose to mean?"

He groans, "I'm not as good with girls as Tyler is." He says. I roll my eyes and give his shoulder a tight squeeze as Kate comes into view, "Just go over to her and ask her out." I encourage, pushing him slightly in her direction.

I notice Jake, Emma, and Lily walk into the school.

I try not to stare for too long and quickly run to algebra class, bumping into Evelyn.

"Hey, Ev." I smile. She recovers from our light collision and smiles back, adjusting her backpack.

"Hey, Madison. Did you study last night for the test?"

My smile falters. "A little, but I still don't really understand it."

She nods knowingly. "Tell me about it," she mumbles walking into the class, "I had Bryan send me his notes last night."

I look at her in awe, "I would kill to have Bryan's notes." I say, sitting in the desk next to hers.

"It wasn't easy, I had to do something extra." she winks, grabbing the test paper.

I stare at her flabbergasted.

"Relax! Nothing sexual." she says laughing, flipping open the textbook.

Our attention turns back to our teacher, Mr. Beck, when he claps his hands, "Alright students, you have the rest of the class period!" He announces, starting the test.

Evelyn leans in whispering, "You can copy me."


I go home exhausted, grabbing some strawberries from the fridge.

Being home with my parents makes me feel uncomfortable. Luckily, they've been working like crazy, so they haven't been home. Or at least not enough for me to notice. My parents don't come home until I'm in my room ready for bed, so it's easy to avoid them.

Meanwhile, Luke has been urging me to go over and hang out with him, but I've been so caught up with things, I haven't had the chance. I walked over to the kitchen counter where my phone beeped and picked it up.

It was Luke, again.

I groaned out in annoyance, telling him it would be impossible to leave the house.

Not even five seconds later, I get a reply. Luke is starting to get the idea that I don't want to hang around him.

I bite into my strawberry frustrated, knowing there's no way around this.

Suddenly, a knock at the door made me smile.

I practically ran over to open it. It was Evelyn.

"I bought you those notes." She winks, pulling a stack of paper out of her bag.

She rolls her eyes playfully, before stepping inside my home, "But I'm not here to study with you." She says, her eyes scanning the room.

"Wait, what do you mean we're not studying? Aren't we having a study group tonight?"

She shrugs, sitting down on my purple sofa, "Do you want to study?"

I laugh, "No, of course not."

She grins at my response and stands up, "Great, let's go to a party."

I look at her weirdly, "A high school party on a Wednesday?"

She puts her hands on her hips offended by what I said, "I don't do high school parties, I only do college parties."

I scoff, flopping down on my sofa next to her. "Why the sudden urge to go?"

"When isn't there an urge to party?" Evelyn questioned.

I put my hands up in surrender, backing away slowly, "Don't get any ideas, Ev."

"Too late, the plan is already forming in my head."

I look at her hesitantly, "I don't know-" I start to say.

"I brought you algebra notes!" She shrieks, "Please, Madison!"

"Fine, let's go to a college party."


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