Chapter 27

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Days had passed since the incident in the biology lab. She'd tried her best to push the thoughts behind her, but the trauma had been too psychologically damaging. It followed her in her dreams. She mostly kept to herself as she tried to consider why this person has been adamant about murdering her. She couldn't think of any possible explanation.

Her father left for work and she'd feigned being sick. Social interaction is the last thing she needed - or seeing the room she nearly died in.

She glances at her laptop as she reads over the disturbing message she'd woken up to The Lurker has a sadistic sense of humor.

So close, I guess I better luck next time. I have something that belongs to you.

The message sent an unsettling feeling in her stomach, but the more she read it the more she became fueled by anger.

She'd been incessantly pacing in her bedroom for hours before the ring of her doorbell chimes. She bolts downstairs and opens the door for Jake. She texted him to meet her.

"Hey." She greets them as he steps inside.

"How are you feeling?" He immediately questions unsure of what to say or do.

Everything about her screamed fragile.

"I'm alive, that's what matters." She attempts to keep the tears at bay. "I need to show you something."

She directs him upstairs and to her laptop. He leans down to read and his jaw unintentionally clenches in anger.

"Amelia, this needs to stop. They almost murdered you."

"I agree." She states as she takes a seat at her desk and faces her laptop.

She debates on what to do before her fingers hover over the keyboard. She skillfully types out a response.

I'm sick of your games - you want me. Come get me. See you at prom.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He questions as he reads over her shoulder.

She takes a deep breath for luck before clicking send.

"It's too late to back out now."

Amelia sighed and tucked a fallen piece of hair behind her ear. She'd finished getting ready and Jake has been patiently waiting for her in the kitchen. She glances at herself in the mirror and straightens out her outfit. She grabs her matching clutch and waltzes down the stairs as she attempts to regain a level of confidence. Jake stands up and scopes her from head to toe with a small smile.

"You look great." He compliments.

"Ditto." She grins. "We should get going."

She begins for the exit of the kitchen but he moves in front of her and blocks her path. She notices his jaw is clenched as he sternly gazes into her eyes.

"If you see anything out of the ordinary you tell me immediately." He speaks and all she can do is a nod in reply.

"Promise me, Amelia." He said walking closer to her as if he was trying to intimidate her with his towering frame.

She pretends it doesn't bother her and she hopes her face doesn't deceive her. She doesn't want to lie to Jake but she knows she cannot keep that promise.

"I promise."

The prom was in full swing by the time they arrived. The masquerade-themed dance was a unique touch and Amelia would have appreciated the creativity if it didn't make the plan that much more difficult. Figuring out who The Lurker is, is difficult enough, but now they're able to hide their true identity. Amelia notices Lillian standing alone a few feet away. She'd called her recently and explained the entire situation to her. If this plan is to be successful, she needs the help of her closest friend.

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