Kanji eyes👀

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Shivaays POV
I just told everyone that I'm marrying Tia they start to shout and scream at me

"Why are you doing this baiya you have a kid out their somewhere so how can you even think to marry this lady Baba out of all girls this lady baba"
Rudra says looking at Tia in disgust

"I hate to say this but I agree with Rudra,baiya I know you love anika bhabi and plus she has your child you can't do this with her and your child"
Soumya says

"I'm marrying Tia I don't care don't come if you doing want why should I care"
I say before going

"You just made shivaay baby angry"
The witch says

Oh god I hate her annoying voice

"Shut up lady baba with your "shivaay baby"he's not a baby ok and who told you to talk this is our family matter so you have no right to talk"
Rudra says giving her a glare

Thank you Rudra you made that witch quiet I thought I couldn't do that thank god

"Shivaay baby"
Tia whines

Oh god her voice is so god damn annoying

I leave the hall to get shivani to go to the Rajput mansion

"Shivaay baby"
Tia repeats

Shivani room
Shivani says making her kanji eyes wide open

"Shivani we are going somewhere I want you to meet someone ok"
I say and she nods

I don't know why I feel a connection with her
She looks like me
Her kanji eyes
The way she smiles
Her love for espresso

But her love for aloo puri reminds me of anika
I still remember when I tried to take some aloo puri of her
You do not want to take her food when she is pregnant because that girl gets angry as heck
She stepped on my foot and god did that hurt

Shivani is very simple and sweet just like anika unlike that witch Tia who loves caking her face with makeup and going shopping all the time just to buy a bag for like 10crores and throwing it away like a week later
And it's my money as well!

"Bade papa where are you so lost are you ok"
Meera says in her cute innocent voice

I nod and caress her hair
"Lets go Shivani"
I  then caressing Shivani hair
She smiles and nods then holds my hand

Her touch reminded of anika touch
Anikas touch i still remember whenever she used to touch me I felt sparks and fireworks
It seemed like it was only Us to I know it's very cheesy and I'm shivaay singh Oberoi and that doesn't suite me but I'm a human though right

Then Shivani tugs on my hand gesturing me to come
I smile and go

Rajput Mansion
"Shivaay beta your here come in"
Lakshmi auntie says with gauri besides her

"Aww who's this little cutie and jiju why does she look exactly like you"
Gauri says staring at Shivani with awe

I stare at Shivani as well
"I don't know gauri"
I shrug
"I adopted her a day ago"

She nods
"But why does she look like you wait a minute it can't be what I'm thinking can it"
She says standing up from the sofa

"No gauri I know exactly what your thinking and your thinking wrong"
I say disappointed 😔

She nods
"Oh yh I totally forgot the reason as to why I'm here shivanj beta can you give me your pendant please"
I say and she takes it of and hands it to me

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