Shopping trip! Levi!Daddy x Reader!Mommy

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(Y/N) - Your name

(F/A) - Favorite Anime

(F/C) - Favorite color

--(Your P.O.V)--

"Hey, (Y/N)?" I heard Levi shout, who has been my husband for about 7 years. I was currently applying some makeup, but not too much. Somehow (daughter/sons name) had tricked Levi to promise him to take him to the city. (daughter/sons name) really wanted to go shopping for some merchandise from His/Her favorite anime that was (F/A). That's why I was applying makeup and getting ready to go out.

"Yes?" I shouted back, because I was in the bathroom while he sat on the couch watching TV. (daughter/sons name) was sitting with him.

"Are you ready yet? I can't watch this shitty brat's kids channel anymore! It's making me sick!" He said wich earned a chuckle escaping my lips.

"Is it really that bad?" I asked while peeking my head out the bathroom door, interested in what they were watching. They was watching, or more like (daughter/sons name) was watching (F/A), as expected. I sighed and came fully out from the bathroom.

"Shall we go then?" I asked the two. They both nodded and Levi shut off the TV. Then we went out and headed to our car.

'This will be a long day...' I thought and sighed softly.

--(Time skip brought to you by chibi Eren)--

Right now I was searching for some new clothes meant for (daughter/sons name). He/She really needed some new t-shirts but it was impossible to find something that he/she liked.

"What about this one?" I asked (daughter/sons name) while dragging a long blue and pink shirt with unicorn's on it. In my opinion it was adorable. He/She only crossed his/her arms and shaked his/her head. I made a face of fake hurt.

'HOW CAN HE/SHE SAY NO TO UNICORNS!?" I screamed inside my head. I was exhausted.

Suddenly I could feel two strong and muscular hands wrap around me from behind. The person was giving me a hug from behind. It was Levi.

"Maybe we should take a break? Maybe go to a cafe?" He whispered softly into my ear. I nodded slowly. My cheeks were flushed crimson. I think he knew because I could feel him smirk into my neck. Then he let go of me and motioned (daughter/sons name) to take his hand. Shortly after we exited the shop and headed to the nearest cafe. On the way to the cafe I stopped at a shop window to look. Inside was a dress I really wanted. The dress was (F/C) and beautiful. I then looked at the price and pouted. Levi and (daughter/sons name) had gone ahead without me, but quickly stopped when they realised I wasn't there. Levi turned around and saw me looking at the dress.

"Are you coming?" He asked. I nodded and we went to the cafe together.

The name of the cafe was iSmile cafe. It was a nice name.

We all went in. I ordered a (F/D) while Levi ordered black coffee. (daughter/sons name) only wanted hot chocolate. We sat down on a table that had exactly three chairs. We were all silent besides the soft slurping sounds from when we drank our drinks.

"I have a present for you when we come home (Y/N)." He suddenly said while staring out the window.

"Oh... O-Okay, but you know you didn't have to" I said fast while blushing.

"It's worth it. Only for you" He said and turned his head to look at me. We then stared lovingly into each other's eyes before we was interrupted by (daughter/sons name) coughing rather loudly. I turned my head to look at him/her. He/She sat there and fake vomiting by our actions. I then started blushing even more.

"We should head home now" Levi broke the silence. I nodded and (daughter/sons name) only pouted. I giggled at his/her actions. We then headed home

--(Time skip... again)--

Levi had put (daughter/sons name) to bed and it was now only ut two.

"Go to bed. I will come soon." he said. I was going to object but decided not to. Then I did as I was told.

30 minutes had past and I was now standing beside my bed, ready to climb in. Suddenly Levi opened the door and threw a baby pink box with silk ribbon wrapped around it at me. I caught it and opened it carefully. My eyes widened and I smiled. inside was the (F/C) dress. I put it aside and ran up to Levi to hug him. He returned the hug.

"I love you" I whispered softly and snuggled into his neck.

"I love you more, brat" He replied sweetly. I giggled softly.

'I really love you.'

Then we went to sleep, cuddling and never letting go.

I don't know what I just made. I felt the urge to write but didn't know what. This was what it became. Lol :P

Thanks for reading!







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