Chapter 8 : No Chances

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Natalia Walker's POV :


That's the only thing I feel right now. For the past twenty-six years of my life I thought of this woman as my mother and now she's telling me that I'm not her daughter. It hurts it really, really hurts and despite the fact that she wasn't a good mother to me I loved her anyways even though it was painful I did love her. I couldn't believe this I refused to.

"W-what do you mean ?", I asked shakily.

"Don't ask this of me", she begged.

"Tell me the truth", I shouted feeling myself getting overcome by my anger.

"Your not biologically my daughter"

"Oh my god....... Oh my God....... Oh my god"

"Nat calm down"

"Don't you dare call me that", I hissed at Chase glaring at him, daring him with my eyes to say something.

Luckily for us both he had the good sense the listen to me and kept his mouth shut.

"It's a long story....your father said that he wanted yo be the one to tell you"

"I can't believe this", my voice cane out no more than a whisper.

She looked at me her eyes filled with regret and sadness "I'll give you some space"

I watched her as she all but ran out of the room. Her heels clicking on the tiled floor of the living room. She was like a little mouse running away from a big lion.


I faced Chase a scowl set on my face. I was hoping that my frown would get him to see that I wasn't interested in talking to him but the fool started talking anyways.

"I'm so sorry for everything.....I should have trusted you.....I shouldn't have let you leave"

"Let me leave", I laughed at that "you never 'let' me leave.... You kicked me out so don't act like this was an agreement between us"

He paled when he heard my words.

"You called me a slut and a gold digger", he sighed looking at me.
I turned to walk away from him but stopped when I felt a tug on my arm.

"Please give me a chance"

"A chance ?", I asked shocked by his words.

"Yes", he breathes "a chance"

I started laughing I couldn't help myself. Over four years ago he called me horrible things and treated me like I wasn't his wife. Its quite ironic that he didn't trust me then but he wants me now.

"Your an idiot if you think that I would want you back"

"What ?", he stood there shocked not believing his ears.

"You heard me", I smirked at him slowly walking up to him to whisper in his ear "the Natalia you remember is long gone....I've changed"

I turned to step away from him the smirk still evident on my face. I turned to leave the room when I was jerked back and into his arms. I didn't have any chance to resist before he crashed his lips onto my own.

I stood frozen in his arms as he kissed me passionately. The way he was kissing me brought back painful memories from my past that I would like to forget. His kisses would make me feel butterflies inside but now I just felt angry.

When he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip I bit on his tongue hard forcing him to pull away from me.

He cried out softly from the pain and quickly opened his eyes.

"Don't you ever kiss me again"

With that I walked out on a tense Chase who was still shocked by my actions. I seemed to have been surprising him a lot.

I stepped out of the room as if I owned the place. I went about to find my son and best friend a small smile on my face.

There seems to be secrets surrounding me.

Secrets that I will reveal.


Hola chicos

He dared to kiss her !!!!!


Here is where the drama begins. Hope you enjoyed it.

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