Chapter 11

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Roman's P.O.V

I sat in the conference room with my father, explaining to him all the changes that I have made to his company since I have become the C.E.O.

"This is all amazing son. I'm proud of you, I hope you know that." He says, his eyes gleaming with love and pride.

"I know Pa." I tell him, averting my gaze and looking back at the laptop that sits in between us.

"You know Rome this past weekend I went to this little flower shop called Petals, thought I'd buy your mom some flowers." He says.

I smile slightly.

"There was only one bundle of her favorite flowers, as soon as I went to get them someone else picked them up and then as soon as she saw me she handed them back." He says.

I was intrigued by his passion for this kind of story, I placed my laptop down.

"She told me she would find others for her friends and gave me the orchids. She them smiled a beautiful, white, radiant smile and headed her way." He continues.

Automatically Adeline's smile flashes through my head.

The dream...

Her walking in the rain, as her hair drips with rain droplets.

I shake my head and continue listening.

"She helped out the old woman at the counter and bundled my flowers for me, I told her they were for my wife and she smiled telling me that she would love them. She bundled her own too and payed for BOTH of our flowers." 

I was surprised. I had heard several stories of people trying to rip our family off, but never of someone giving our family something for free.

"She sounds like an extraordinary woman doesn't she?" My father questions.

"She does."

"You know I saw her again and she w-" He gets cut off as my mother walks into the room.

"Dylan, can we go to the little cafe? I would really love a lemon cake right now." Ma says.

"Of course honey." My dad says and they both step out.

My parents are polar opposites in terms of personality. My mom speaks her mind and my father keeps quiet. This is what makes them the kind of married couple you envy. My mothers childish attitude always makes my dad happy, he never forgot to cherish her.  

I watch them walk out the building, appreciating a view I dont get to see often...

I hear a knock at my door and turn around to see that man who was flirting with Adeline.

Josh, I think his name was.

"Can I help you?" I say rudely.

"Sorry to bother you sir, I was just looking for Adeline." He says with a smirk.

"What do you want with my assistant?" I ask, upset as to why he was looking for her.

"Umm well sir I really liked her and was hoping to get her number" He says with a full smile.

"No" I tell him and move towards him.

"I don't mean to be rude sir but that's her decision not yours." He says.

That ticks me off, I stand in front of him, jaw clenched and hands balled into fists.

"No means no. You are not to be in a 10 meter radius of my assistant. Understood?" I say sharply.

He nods his head, eyes distraught.

Just then Adeline walks in.

She looks up and smiles at Josh, who's feared eyes are now gleaming with happiness.

"Sir, all the conferences has ended early, but the hotel manager has come to speak with you and Ms. Destiny is also waiting in the other room." She says sweetly.

"Okay, follow me." I tell her.

She smiles towards Josh again and waits for me at the door.

I start walking fast and she quickens her steps to meet mine, which I found funny as to our 6 inch height difference.

She puts on her glasses and starts to scribble something into her notebook.

We see the hotel manager and stop, it's the same gross old lady who was trying to cougar me before. 

"Mr Darren" she says, I notice she popped open more buttons from her dress and her body is kept captive in a very very tight dress. She looks revolting.

I look towards Adeline and see her keep in a laugh, the corners of my mouth slightly turn.

"What can I help you with?" I ask the manager, who's name tag read Lindy.

"Well sugar I was just hoping you were planning on staying the night." She says, fluttering her eyes which made her fake lashes move slightly.

I look through the corner of my eye and see Adeline let out a quiet giggle and cover her mouth with her notebook. 

"I am leaving now. If you need someone for the night I am sure your husband would be glad." I tell her rudely.

I start walking to our original conference room, Destiny is sitting there filing her nails and my parents are back.

Destiny squeals when she sees me and walks towards me and hugs me tightly smearing her foundation across my suit. I stand there waiting for her to finish.

My mom starts talking to Adeline and my dad shakes his head heartily. For some reason my heart swells watching her get along with my family. It brought a weird fluttering feeling to my stomach.

My mind races back to our earlier encounter, having her beautiful big brown eyes and soft lips only a few inches from my face.

If heaven was a place on earth I had just visited it.

She says something and my parents both start laughing loudly. I sit down which makes me closer to them. Destiny sits in my lap and starts playing with my tie while nibbling on my ear. I shake my head trying to get her to stop, does she have no shame?

'' Adeline did you eat yet?" My father asks.

"Not yet sir. I got swamped with work. I'll eat something when I get home." She says.

She hasn't eaten since the morning. it's almost six now. I text my chauffeur telling him to pick up a meal and bringing it in ASAP. 

"I told you to call me Dylan, Adeline and nonsense you must be so hungry come out with us." My dad offers.

"I can't. I have to leave soon so I can pick up Axel from the airport. Thank you for your offer though." She says and my parents nod.

I stand up and walk out, with my mind clouded with thoughts about Adeline and this Axel person. Who was this guy? Why was she going to pick him up? 

I turn around to see my chauffeur giving her the food and she smiles but nonetheless looks confused. I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.

My phone beeps and I see that it is a reminder that I have a meeting tonight, he needs to check and make sure everything is okay.

A/N- What do you guys think about Rome? Who's your favorite character?

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