Chapter 83

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Diane woke me up early and we went for a run before the sun had cleared the horizon. We ate a light breakfast of greens and some jerky. We kept to the trees as we moved across from the platform that had held the bystanders last night.

Phil and two others were already standing there waiting. I remained hidden in the trees as Diane slowly walked out of the trees and across the grass. My current location was halfway up a tree, I didn't want to chance a zombie or bear showing up unexpectedly and distracting Diane.

Diane hailed them once she was within speaking range, "Good morning!"

She kept slowly approaching the tall wooden wall as the three watched her come closer. The two with Phil had loaded bows, although they were pointed at their feet. Phil responded, "Good morning. I hope you slept well."

Diane nodded courteously. Her stance told of her faint amusement, although I doubted that it showed on her face. "Yes I did, thank you. How was your night?"

He replied, "Pretty good."

This guy could sure beat around the bush... Why did he not get right to the point? The fact that he was on the platform and not coming out of the gate told of their decision. We had not heard any hammers yanking out nails, so the gates and doors were still barred.

Diane sighed as she shifted her weight, "Well, what is the consensus? I did save the place from a Swift and I was not injured or bitten."

Phil winced and looked embarrassed, "A vote was made. It was brought to the attention of everyone that your eyes were glowing - which is not normal by the way, as well as the fact that you were in close or direct contact with a zombie. The vote was made by the people that you are not allowed inside the fence since you are likely infected."

The potential infection I could see, but the first thing he mentioned was Diane's eyes. Why were they that bothered by glowing eyes? It had never bothered me even when I had first spotted her.

"Is it possible to trade for some supplies? I would also appreciate it if someone could bring Laura out here."

Phil fidgeted, "The people do not want your goods in case they are infected, but with all the work you did, we will give you some supplies if they are within reason. Unfortunately, Laura doesn't want to talk to you. We did try to convince her, but she says your eyes scared her."

Diane tilted her head skeptically at the man above, "What do you mean? She has known about my eyes ever since we met, and has turned down every offer to stay with someone else."

He looked embarrassed, possibly at getting caught, while he tried to backtrack and attempt another tactic "She also knows that you attacked the Swift and she is scared that you will turn."

Diane took a slow deep breath, tension visible in some of her muscles. It remained to be determined if it was because of the lie or with the possibility that they had almost succeeded in separating us.

"Tell her I said good bye, I will try to swing by again one day to see her. As for items, is it possible to get another two coils of rope, a coil of snare wire the same length, and ten pounds of flour? Some flatbread won't go amiss for lunch."

My heart fluttered as she 'left' me behind so easily. It hurt, even though it had been part of the plan. She couldn't exactly force them to turn me over when I wasn't inside.

Phil was speaking with someone on the ground inside the palisade before he turned back to Diane, "We will bring it to you and lower it over the wall."

Diane waited and five minutes later they were lowering a bucket with the supplies inside. She walked forward to stow them in her pack. Her muscles were slightly tensed, as if halfway expecting one of the two above to shoot their arrows at her.

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