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Chapter Five

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I didn't care about the rules and regulations of the camp. Why would I care about a place that I didn't plan on staying for the foreseeable future? Its captivity was only temporary. Even when Lauren threw a book containing all the camp's guidelines onto my bed the next morning, all I could do was throw my head back and laugh. It was clear as day that anyone who she couldn't control just made her skin crawl. Her attempts to keep me on some sort of leash were hilariously...tragic.

I threw a hoodie on over the camp t-shirt as I left the cabin, despite it being admittedly, a lovely day. The lack of cloud cover let the sun expose itself and its brightness, making sure to surround everyone with sunshine. It also meant making my bruised upper cheek glaringly obvious. The camp's doctor, Manny, said he couldn't do anything for my eye. Not really. I just had to massage around the bruised area and after a day or two, switch from ice packs to pressing a warm cloth against my face.

If I didn't blink too hard or smile too much, it was like there was nothing wrong with my face. I spent the morning refusing to look at any reflection of myself; otherwise, I'd pull the same face as the people who saw me for the first time, those of shock which soon clouded over with disgust and maybe a little pity.

I did not do self-pity.

I hid a yawn behind my hand as we traveled through the woods. Beneath the big hoodie, my shoulders were hunched over, not to keep the hood over my face, but it was a reaction to the environment. Distractions were my go-to mindset: to avoid thinking about the woods and everything it contained that entered my nightmares.

My wrist made a circular motion to swing the watch in order for it to face the right direction.

Someone bumped my shoulder, ruining my sleepy haze.

Vivian let out a prolonged sigh. "Can you walk a little faster?"

"Are we in a rush?" I asked, blinking harshly.

"No. Not particularly."

"If we're not on a schedule, then what's the problem?"

"I don't want to have to keep looking over my shoulder to ensure that you're not dead. It's time consuming and boring at this point." She ran a hand through her hair, sighing heavier when I didn't respond. "Grab someone and walk with them. They can make sure that you won't trip and kill yourself."

"Huh. Even when I don't try, I can be a great burden."

"The fact that you're turning your face away implies a great deal."


"You prevented me from seeing what I'm sure was a ridiculous grin."

"You're not far off," I offered, still looking in the opposite direction, attempting to keep what she described quite accurately from appearing on my face. "If I see just how much I annoy you, I'll want to smile, and if I smile, it will hurt. Apparently, your pain will be my pain. Ugh."

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by Rebecca Sullivan
WATTPAD ORIGINAL EDITION Finished high school, Emma's forced to spend...
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