Vegtables and Sweetheart

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You people are awesome. This story is still very new but it is already ranked in Romance. It might not be that high but still you are all amaziiiiiiiiiiig. We are now number #746 :D 

GOAL AS ALWAYS DOWN BELOW : ( thanks a million)

Sophia's Pov:

"Sophia, you came out of that room." My mother in law noticed as I came downstairs.

"I did." I replied shortly 

"Your dinner and Axel's  are in the kitchen. You may ask one of the maids to heat it up." the older woman announced as she started to walk to her room.

"I can do it alone." I informed a bit meanly 

"It is preferable if you awaken one of the maids because Axel  has a specific taste for food." she ordered a bit strictly 

"I noticed. He is not a real fan of vegetables. He hate corn and broccoli.  He acts like a kid a pushes them to the side of his plate. I cooked for him for two year, so I am full aware of his taste." I fired back yet my mother in law's reaction shook me. She was not surprised at all. She was not dumbfounded. Nope ladies and gentlemen, she smile big at me and nodded.

"You noticed. You care about him and that's why you are a perfect for him. Unlike Liza, you will keep him alive and happy. She won't really do her best to keep him happy." The old lady spoke proudly of me. I guess that it is true she does really prefer me on Liza even though the latter knew her before I did.

"I do not care about Axel. I am just treating him like I would treat any human being." I assured her but saw a glint of refusal in her eyes.

"Say what you please but you are his wife and you must care." Olivia said in a factual way leaving me behind alone or I thought so until Axel came down running chanting for food.

"Let's eat I am hungry." he called me as he ran to the kitchen

 "What about Mitchy? Did he eat?" I questioned Axel as he started to open the fridge and pull endless quantities of food out of it.

"He tried to hold back but once his stomach started to grumble loudly he ordered a pizza." Axel said closing the fridge and faced me with a silly grin.

"He ate pizza without me?" I questioned feeling a bit sad...I know I too can be dramatic.

"If you want we can order you one." Axel offered as he gazed at me and for the first time in years he offered me a nice warm smile.

"It is late now. Let's just see what we have left." I refused but mirrored back the same warm smile.

"Soup, chicken with roasted broccoli, stuffed chicken and a chicken casserole with green beans and barley. Since you don't  love broccoli or beans that much I will heat up the soup and some pieces of stuffed chicken, okay?" I questioned as I turned around to see Axel's reaction but what shocked me was his sudden proximity. As I turned around, I found myself glued to his hard chest and once again our eyes met. Axel's gaze was questioning yet with a certain intensity in it. It made me shiver and feel uncomfortable. Jailed between him and the table where he sat the food, I couldn't move away. Axel trapped in his mind didn't seemed that bothered by being this close to me even though at certain points in our engagement he said that I do not interest him in anyway.

"Axel, can you move a bit." I asked and my voice came out as a hush. I felt and sounded shy near him. If I admit this or not Axel was a very handsome man and I am not used to being gazed at like that. 

"Sure." he sounded a bit rougher and his body shifted less than a foot away. Yet I was able to escape his trapping presence.

Dinner , after that awkward moment, went on silently. The only sound that echoed is that of forks and knives and spoons. I would look up sometimes feeling Axel's gaze on me but as soon as I look up he would be looking only at his food. Was I hallucinating or was this the effect of that awkward moment. 

Sharing a bedroom with a stranger is not easy either. I had to complete my meal fast then ran upstairs, take a quick shower, change into my pajamas and run to Axel's bed. I skipped sleeping her the first night, then I slept on his killer sofa but now I had no way out. I am sleeping on the bed of my forced husband.

"This sofa is hellish." Axel murmured repeatedly as he turned on his side again

"Cannot sleep on Liza's perfect choice of sofa?" I questioned teasingly remembering our talk about the couch 

"I can sleep perfectly fine, thank you very much." Axel grumbled and defended his girlfriend yet again. Love can be stupid sometimes and in Axel's case I guess that it is always stupid.

"Well then Goodnight and keep your voice low and Axel, your bed is very comfortable and warm." I teased yet again owning an annoyed huff from him

"You noticed that I don't like brocoli and beans?" Axel commented after a silent half an hour. I was nearly asleep and thought that he was asleep already.

"and peas and corn, I have been cooking for you for two years. And you hardly do your dishes, You know?" I easily said as turned to my right side to face Axel who was already gazing at me.

"Why did you do that when I didn't treat you right?" Axel questioned and even though it is dark I can still see the frown on his face.

" Because, I am what you called a goody two shoes or was it a stuck up?" I angrily reminded him of how introduced me to Liza when I moved in to his house , after our marriage.

"I am sorry for saying that you are a stuck up. And Sophia, you are a Goody two shoes and that is actually refreshing. I hated that thing about you because you never gave me a solid reason to hate you. You were and are still the definition of a sweetheart." Axel praised shocking me beyond belief. Am I really hearing this or is it just a dream? 

"Thanks." I coyly replied and snuggled more hiding my rosy cheeks even though it was dark and impossible for Axel to see the change of color in them.

"You are welcome sweetheart. Now go to sleep. You are going to go back to work tomorrow." Axel announced and that news made me happy I missed my old life. I missed being around people in the office. I am a business attorney in dad's or what is now Axel's company.   

The Goal This Time Is 80 Votes And 33 Comments :D ( thanks again for supporting this story. I hope that you really enjoy it and if you have any suggestion then I am all ears :D have a good morning, day, evening or night )

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