Twenty Nine - Done With You, Done With Moui?

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"She says "You don't wanna be like me, don't want to see all the things I've seen" I'm dyin', I'm dyin'"

Carmen, Lana Del Rey

You know what I absolutely hate? When you used to be able to play around with your crush, hang out, watch movies and stuff like that. But sometimes when you realize that your friend is your crush – your whole relationship goes into dive mode.

Ever since I kissed Conner and realized that the lord of love has cursed me for being in love with a player, I've been avoiding him in hopes that my feelings would be swept up and gone out of my hair. Let me tell you – that did not work. You see, when you have a crush on a guy like Conner, they will never leave you alone. When they didn't leave you alone before you thought it was annoying and when they won't leave you alone now it's like a blessing where you want to scream until your lungs pop.

"Jade," Conner sung. He was starting to get suspicious on why I keep ignoring him but to my surprise he didn't take anything personally, he just resorted to being his goofy adorable self.

What am I saying?

"What?" I snapped. He rested his elbow onto my head and started whistling. It's something I'm used to. When you're 5'2 you are obliged to be everyone's personal arm rest. It sucks. "What do you want?"

"Just wanted to check in with my favorite," he continued to talk – er – sing. My cheeks couldn't help but turn a light red at the sound of Conner calling me his favorite even though my brain was scolding me that it was just a joke. "You're blushing jewel. Are you sure you're a Jade or a Ruby?" He laughed earning a little chuckle from me.

"Anyways, Ruby, how's Bryan going? I haven't seen you guys together lately," Conner paused for my response.

"We're fine," I could feel Conner's body stiffen but slowly calm down after a bit. He cocked an eyebrow at me, "fine isn't fine. Fine is blech, so spill." He eagerly anticipated for me to tell him every-bitty itty detail but I shook my head.

"We're good," I gritted my teeth and picked up my pace. Conner shrugged and walked beside me, barely brushing our shoulders together. How am I not supposed to walk as straight as a brick when he's around? I can hardly freaking relax! This is annoying. "Are you just going to walk with me?" He shrugged again. We walked into the gym and instantly my eyes met Bryans, making me internally cringe. I'm guessing that must of put some kind of look on my face because Conner nudged me towards his direction. I played it cool and skipped along, taking a seat next to him.

"Hey," Bryan planted a kiss onto my cheek whilst maintaining his glare with Conner. Conner took a seat away from us, I swear I wanted to rip out every strand of my hair right there. He sat next to a mindless girl with light auburn curls and stunning green eyes. To be honest, she resembled Emma Stone without straight hair but beautiful rings that framed her feminine face.

"Jealous much?" Bryan snorted next to me. My head snapped towards him, "what do you mean?"

"Jealous much that Conner's off with some mindless bimbo and left you behind with moui?" Bryan smirked knowing that he'd ticked off my last nerve. "You can always break up with me baby."

"I'm so done with you," I grumped and gave him the finger. A few people caught it on camera which I don't know why they would – you can't report a break up to the police. The others not on their phones glanced over and gasped but again – it's just a break up. Not even a real one, a fake one but I guess these people didn't catch on, on how painfully obvious it was.

I slouched down onto the right of Conner while he flirted with the half-witted bimbo. Eventually, he acknowledged my presence and brushed the auburn haired girl away. "What's up buttercup?" Who would have every thought that I would have the courage to casually slouch next to my crush, looking like absolute trash.

Well I mean I am trash, ha-ha.


"Nothing much, what about you," Conner suspiciously looked at me. "You were literally just ignoring me like less than half an hour ago, who and what are you and why'd you possess Jade?"

Same – I can't believe it either. "Still me, Jade."

He began to question me, "what's my name?"

"Conner Peterson,"

"What am I?"

"An oddly kinky pervert," did that just come out of my mouth?

"Ding-ding, correct amendo! Who are your best friends?" Now that's something I can't forget even if I got hit in the head with a brick or five.

"Autumn and Ivy,"

"Hmm, okay, okay." A malicious smirk slowly crept onto Conner's lips, replacing the confused expression with a sinister one. "I have a question only Jade would know the answer to."

"Okay, what is it then?" I asked impatiently. The way Conner let out the words gave me way more anticipation than I needed. My foot started tapping on the ground during the pause.

"What did we do Monday night?" A lump in my throat formed but I swallowed it down trying my best to ignore the pit in my stomach.

"Babysit the twins,"

"That's what you did, silly," Conner tapped my nose and smirked. "I'm talking about what we did," he kept that stupid smirk of his encrusted into his lips and put emphasis onto the word we. If anyone hears me, I'll be considered Lambert's "Most-Unexpected Bimbo!"

"I'm sorry – excuse me?" I tried stalling as much time as we could, hoping that we'd all be dismissed sooner. What is taking these stupid bus drivers so long? Can't they realize that some of us are in situations we'd rather not be in?

"We watched the TV,"

"For like five minutes, and then?" Conner asked, the peevish tone obvious in his voice.

"We kissed," I muttered but only loud enough for Conner to hear it.

"Correct, but that's not the question that only Jade would know." I gawked at him. He continued, "the real question is that did she enjoy it?"

You know that pit in my stomach earlier? It's now full of butterflies that had a caffeine induced concoction consisting of five gallons of coffee and three of Red Bull.


Before I could get my brain to function, the stupid butterflies took control of everything and I blurted out, "yes!"


while I was writing this I kept on chuckling at myself at how stupid my characters are, they must be based off the people in my classes :)


Who are you favorite bands/artists? And what song by them? 

*i want to add some of the people you guys like to the start of the chapters*


i'd say the #1 artist and band for me is Lana & Arctic Monkeys, Radio & Yellow Old Bricks

Old Bricks & Well Frick


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