We're Done

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Chapter 21 - We're Done


"Dr. Miles, do you deny the fact that you knew about the trafficking going on in the hospital you worked for ?"

"I didn't know -"

"Yes or no, Dr. Miles."


"Did you report to the authorities there?"


"What did they do?"

"They ignored my request."

"Did you do anything else to stop it?"

"No, I didn't."

David wanted to crawl up in his home and drown in alcohol or just die. Tess hated him. The jury hated him.

And just in the morning when he had read Tess's file, he knew that not only he was being sued for the murder, he was being framed for planting a heart that he got on black market, thus killing the patient.

He didn't know how the hell that had happen.

"Your honor." The man said and turned to Tess.

Tess had sat there like a queen, her pen in her mouth, a smirk on her lips. Her assistant sat beside her scribbling furiously in his notepad.

Tess stood up and passed a set of papers to the judge.

"That's the verdict of the case. I guess it's marked solved so I don't find any need to bring up the past right here. The law there has declared him innocent and I find it unnecessary to hash out a solved case."

She turned again and Cal handed her another set of papers.

She flipped through them and passed it to the judge.

"That's the report of the patient. She was alive for almost six hours. She wouldn't have passed through."

"That's all, Your Honor."

"Do you have any questions?"  The judge asked the prosecutor.

"No. Your honor. But I have an evidence that proves Dr. Miles guilty."

He passed over a tape that was then played. The tape of his office where he was talking to Zach about the shipment for his new MRI machine and an extra dentist chair.

David wanted to stand up and scream and throw a chair and rip the prosecutor's fucking head off. And he wanted to yell at Tess who just tapped her boot and looked at her watch as if she was being late.

Once the tape was done the judge seemed to come to a conclusion as he looked at Dave with accusation.

Tess stood up.

"Here." She passed another thumb drive. Once played it showed Zach sitting in his chair, a smile on his face as he talked on the phone.

"Note the time and day." She said.

It was the same phone call's video tape, only it was Zach's side of the conversation.

A laughter boomed through the tv speaker.

"How are you doing, though?" He asked.

And sobered up at what Dave said next.

"You've got to talk to somebody about that. You cannot keep it inside."

He paused as he listened intently. And Dave knew what he was saying.

I'm scared Zach. I just cannot tell anyone about this. He didn't feel weird that he admitted about it to Zach.

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