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I was still pissed about someone putting their hands on my sister, no matter how loud I yelled, or cussed at her she wouldn't give up who the person was.

I had a firm belief it was that bitch Ray, she seemed to always talk about him when I was around, I guess she liked him.

She did tell me she cut him off, which made me happy because she at least took that step. She wasn't one to put up with abusive relationships.

I'm fine with having Christi around, I actually love it. We're really close which is surprising due to the age difference, it was a plus that she doesn't ever got in trouble and she stay on her shit.

I walked out the kitchen smiling wide at Aug, we've been dating for a while, we met through Serena and Christiana of course. No one knew what was going on between hus.

Seeing that I tell Christiana everything, and vice versa it was hard to keep it away from her. So, I lied to August and told him Christiana went over to his house to see Serena.

when in reality.

I sent her to the store around the corner the moment he told me he was on his way, that was 10 minutes ago and she should walk in any minute. She was tired of sneaking with him.

I had my plan down to a T, sitting down on Aug lap, I handed him his soda. "Next time your ass getting up to g-" The door opened and I tried to hide my smile, I didn't want to get caught.

"MILLA! oooooooo. How long has this been going on children?" Shifting her weight to her left leg, she placed her hand on her hip causing me to laugh.

"Aw shit, you set this up didn't you?" Aug asked, causing me to shake my head no. He knew me so well, and he also knew when I was lying. "You could have told a nigga, I mean I don't mind but damn inform me of your plans."

"Alright baby, next time I'll give you a fair warning... My parents should be walking in, in about five minutes. That's your warning." It was a joke but it would be funny to see his reaction.

"YO PARENTS? I GOT WEED ON ME! IS YOU GOOD?" He yelled causing me to laugh louder, but he clearly didn't get the joke. "Fuck you laughing for Camilla? You always on that dumb shit"

"They're not coming August, stop yelling at me before I punch you in ya shit." I laughed, looking over a Christiana.

"If that's love, I do not want it. Keep it away from me." She crossed her arms making an X. She was so childish... Which was technically a good thing.

"Ay' ain't you tryna fuck with my mans? Yaaaaaa, I see the way you have googily eyes over my nigga. Stay away from him, he married. My nigga locked under the law and Gods eyes." August spoke, causing me to raise a brow.

"A married man? Forreal Christiana." Watching her slap her hand against her forehead.

"Shut up, Yung doesn't know what he's talking about. Dang, I can't think a guy is cute? That doesn't mean anything is going on. Get back to being nasty before y'all make me angry up in hea'!" She shouted, walking towards her room.

"Whatever, watch them forreal. If he try to fuck with my sister, or she try to fuck with him let me know I'm going to have her ass back in Albany so damn fast. Like, A married man tho Babe? She wasn't taught enough self respect to not go for someone who is married?" I babbled on, venting to August.

"Maybe she is just looking at him, girls have crushes all the time. Example, Serena little hoe ass friends always talking about me like a nigga a piece of meat or some shit. Like I don't got no feelings" Placing his hands on his chest, acting like he was heart making me laugh.

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